Tuesday, June 27, 2006

NYTimes and Ward Churchill

Today's Gobble
The New York Times is to the American print media as Ward Churchill is to academia.  The University of Colorado will finally, it appears,  revoke Chief Phony's tenure, and a proposal by the National Review Online (sampled below) would effectively remove the Times' air of legitimacy.  I like it.  Coupled with a Justice Dept. prosecution of Keller, Sulzberger, et.al., and their eventual imprisonment (execution is warranted, but fanciful), justice can be served.  USA! USA! (That does not include you, Vermont)

Stop the Leaks

By The Editors

Every passing week, it becomes more apparent that disgruntled leftists in the intelligence community and antiwar crusaders in the mainstream media, annealed in their disdain for the Bush administration, are undermining our ability to win the War on Terror. Their latest body blow to the war effort is the exposure, principally by the New York Times, of the Treasury Department’s top-secret program to monitor terror funding.

President Bush, who said on Monday morning that the exposure “does great harm to the United States of America, must demand that the New York Times pay a price for its costly, arrogant defiance. The administration should withdraw the newspaper’s White House press credentials because this privilege has been so egregiously abused, and an aggressive investigation should be undertaken to identify and prosecute, at a minimum, the government officials who have leaked national-defense information.


Anonymous said...

...and the staff hanged, the building burned to the ground and the ground salted...

Anonymous said...

...with Strontium 90.


AnnoyedOne said...

Yeah NYC could use another park ;-)

Anonymous said...


Failing all else, the building could be given back to all the people that were eminently-domained out of their property so that the NYT could have a new office building.

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