Saturday, June 03, 2006

Toront terror cell

Oh crap - I guess they know about our plan to capture Canada then.
The RCMP arrested a group of ''home grown terrorists'' they had been tracking on the Internet.

The chain of events began two years ago, sparked by local teenagers roving through Internet sites, reading and espousing anti-Western sentiments and vowing to attack at home, in the name of oppressed Muslims here and abroad.

Their words were sometimes encrypted, the Internet sites where they communicated allegedly restricted by passwords, but Canadian spies back in 2004 were reading them. And as the youths' words turned into actions, they began watching them. ...

... spurred on by images of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan and angered by what they saw as the mistreatment of Muslims at home — became increasingly violent.Police say they acquired weapons, picked targets and made detailed plans. - How Internet monitoring sparked a CSIS investigation into a suspected homegrown terror cell
I for one am shocked over this apparent violation of Canadian's privacy.  Making matters worse - authorities picked nice Muslim boys to monitor for their terrorist activiy.  And, shoot, Canada is famous for the ease in which guns may be had. This whole thing smells, don't you agree? 
I think they have it wrong. Those guys have nothing to do with (terrorism)," said Scarborough Imam Aly Hindy.

Hindy has been a high profile critic of the RCMP and Canadian Security Intelligence Service, accusing the federal agency of targeting Muslims who criticize the foreign policies of Western governments.

He believes this is what led to the arrests yesterday."Because they are young people, and they are Muslims, they are saying it's terrorism," he said in an interview last night.  - Men attended Training Camp
See?  What I said.


Anonymous said...


oh my !

cleary a case of an unjust, bigoted society...

how dare they stopped these young Muslims from blowing other people up?

my goodness, next they will be saying infidels have a right to live!

Democrat Liberals, the ACLU, the NAACP, MoveON, Sierra Club, Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, Rev. AL and Jackson, should quickly move to Canada to stop this injustice...

Hoping this vivid violation of Canadian Civil Rights, does not affect the OILERs play Hockey, hey?

Anonymous said...

Relax Rodger, they may know about our plan but since we are starting with Quebec, they won't do anything to us. We're just saving them the trouble-hehe.

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