Thursday, June 01, 2006

TV prollems

Things are going to hell here at Barn Central. First my Media Center's (computer) TV went all fuzzy. I tracked it down to a bad coax connector. Now the picture on the computer is sharp as hell - but the audio is out of sync with the video. I could live with that, since I mainly use it for screen caps, but just now my 38" television picture developed a rainbow halo. Evidently by moving it to tighten up the coax I jogged something loose, and the picture is dying. All this makes me want my computer TV to work, because I can't go buying another $1000 TV right now. It occurred to me that maybe there was a system clock problem that was causing the audio-visual sync problem, so I went to control panel/time and tried to synchronize it. You see the result. This is a huge WTF for me. Any knowledgeable suggestion about this, or the sync problem will be appreciated. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

This here may help.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Thanks ... right now my brain is bleeding. Maybe later. EWhat the hell is this peer-host stratum crap? I am one guy on a computer.

Anonymous said...

The window shown above is for synchronizing your system clock with a clock on the Microsoft time server. It doesn't do anything you can't do by typing in the time you see on your watch-- it's just easier and more accurate.

Myself, I leave "Automatically synchronize" unchecked, and manually synchronize the time (clicking the "update now" button) twice a year. Guess what two times they are.

Lastly, this sync has nothing to do with your audio/video sync problem. I don't know enough about video on Windows to help you there.

Anonymous said...

Didn't see your last post, Rodger.

I've never seen this "stratification" thing myself. I say don't worry about it; use your watch and forget about it.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Mother Superior said, "Say a rosary." I have to look up the mysteries - forget them.

Anonymous said...

hit the "deguass" (sp?) button on your tv. On my monitor, it's symbol is a magnet with a line through it. Kinda like the no-smoking sign. This might fix the rainbow problem.

Anonymous said...

Basically, you don't want individual users synching to a tier one time provider; it's meant for the BellSouth and Verizon type "time servers in charge." Then, all the individual servers within those corps touch the "TSIC" or his downstream buddies to get the time. This avoids overloading the "important tier."

In all likelihood, this will not fix your audio video sync problem, though.

Anonymous said...

If the video lags the sound, sit farther from your monitor. Since light travels much faster than sound, there will be a proper distance to sit that will cure that problem.

If it is the other way around and the sound lags the video, do not give up hope. Recently, scientists at a major university have managed to slow light by passing it through a special solution. Purchase some of this solution and put it in an aquarium which you will then mount in front of your monitor.

Hope this helps you.

Anonymous said...

uhm... I like corn on the cob!

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