Friday, June 16, 2006

Zarawi Death Mask

Death of an al-Qaeda Clown
(Clowns/Mimes - same thing. I hate them all.)
''I spent a lot of last night avoiding homework and working on this picture instead.  Perhaps you could think of a better headline than my "Leader of Al Qaida in Iraq silenced."

Let me know what you think and if you choose, feel free to post it.

Love your site by the way, always have.''

I think it's pretty darn good is what I think.  I did change the headline though. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

The only good mime is a dead mime.

Anonymous said...

In his case,"Ridi Pagliaccio" becomes "Gridi in inferno, stronzo"
Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

I see a problem.

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