Tuesday, July 04, 2006

AOL's salute to ratbastards

Lefties are stung by charges that they are somehow unpatriotic because they embrace America's enemies, and blame their country for most everything wrong in the world. But, gushing with patriotic fervor this day, Lefto copy writers for an AOL offering called It Sucks To Be You decided to bleed red, white, and blue the best way they know how.

Here's a few examples -

Ethel Rosenberg:
About that whole executing you thing. Sorry. There's still no real evidence¹ warranting it. And the fact that it took Las Vegas' electrical grid to kill you makes things even worse. Our bad.

Native Americans:
From the get-go, no race has been jobbed more by American history.

Things we're sorry about: Stealing your land, slaughtering your race, lowballing you on Manhattan, Cleveland Indians mascot, term "Indian giver," Atlanta Braves fans.
Al Gore:
Aside from claiming to have invented the Internet and winning, then losing the 2000 election, the Goremeister is commonly pegged as a left-wing hippie nut for his global warming beliefs. But if it's all true, we'll apologize if we're not drowned/burnt/froze/dead.
¹ The leftist argument over Ethyl Rosenberg's guilt turns on her being less guilty than her husband, but she was fully involved and informed about the treason. It's true that today, where the Jane Fondas and The New York Times can commit treason willy-nilly, that neither Rosenberg would likely get more than 20 years in the poky. That was not the case in the era when we won our wars.

1 comment:

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Great graphics on this page though.

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