Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Dissing The USA

More Leftist Celebration
Tim Graham will set the tone here:

''What is it about celebrations of national pride that [ratbastard MSM] columnists find so distasteful?''

Graham's example is this, by WaPost Business section columnist Steven Pearlstein

"This is the week each year when Americans revel in their nationalism, a summer brew of playful patriotism, boastful exceptionalism, and a somewhat smug insularity."

But wait, there's more.   Dave Pierre found this ''piece of bitterness'' by Mark Kurlansky, "Fathers don't always know best"

''Apparently, Kurlansky is not too impressed by the very people who founded our nation. He begins his column by listing reasons why the United States is such a horrible 'backward democracy.' And the blame, implies Kurlansky, lies at the feet of the Founding Fathers .''

Arick Barwin shares his patriotic fantasy with  Huff 'n Puffers.  After running into Osama bin-Laden, he slits his throat with a box cutter, and then ....

... '' I gather up the body of the world's most notorious terrorist and hurl it over the balcony. Then, in the final stroke of luck, Bin Laden lands on Dick Cheney.''

(Here this will make you feel better). 

Now here's something you didn't know.  Fourth of July fireworks are banned today because these same media types spent years dwelling on the negative aspects of little dynamite sticks.  That chimera, and the notion that the children needed protection, was self serving poppy-cock.  They were scared to death for their own skin.  See, in the old days, when people talked their country down like this, folks would drag them out of their homes and pack their ani with M-80s, butterfingers, cherry bombs and sparklers, and set a match to the whole kit.  Blew their asses clean off, and we liked it that way.  Learn from this.


Anonymous said...

I would like Kurlansky (piss be upon him and his fleas) to leave for a more "forward" democracy next week. Maybe North Korea, for example.

If I were king for a week, I'd grant the filthy ratbastard his wish right over his back-pedalling protests.
Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

''What is it about celebrations of national pride that [ratbastard MSM] columnists find so distasteful?''
Not enough whippings with the belt when they were kids.

Anonymous said...

Arick Barwin - isn't that Kim Jong Il of Alex Baldwin?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Barwin Be Here

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