Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Eavesdropping New York

Eavesdropping New York
To each his own, of course, but I could just spend hours at Overplot. Snippets of conversations all over New York are viewable by location. Tons and tons of work went into this, and I get the impression that sooner or later I'll find out who did Jimmy Hoffa in one of them.


Kenneth said...

My favorite so far: Girl: ...I mean, who doesn't like being warm? It's not like they call it "Global Sweltering"! So who cares?

--West 4th Street station

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Not long ago I whiled away time on an Amtrak from NY to Balt listening to the people around me on cell phones, and it was fascinating. One of my sons is an artist, so I mentioned to him that a great exhibit might be to stage several mannequins around a room, each carrying on actual taped converstaions. This is something like that.

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