scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, July 08, 2006
FU Michael Moore
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Those soldiers(Marines?), can tell the folks back home that anyone can get that job. All they need are the balls to put down the dope and sign up for duty.
7/8/06, 9:49 PM
Anonymous said...
Rodger, that is one of the most awesom in your face "F" you pc, tree hugging, Birkenstock, cum-by-ya, dope smoking, anti-amerika, Dhimi-Demo, Lefty smacks downs I have ever seen!! I hope they play that on MTV. (yeah, sure.)
Or hey, we have Ann doing commentary on it on a MSNBC SPECIAL with Kieth Ober-asshat-man. Yeah. Yeah. That's the ticket! -
7/9/06, 10:37 AM
- Wild Thing said...
Fantastic! I LOVE it Rodger!!! And YOU!
7/9/06, 11:26 AM
Anonymous said...
I've just finished at least 30 mins of wandering through his site, after receiving news that my son's friend and fellow Marine Sgt. was wounded in Iraq due to an IED. I forwarded the link to my son, also. Thanks, Juice
7/9/06, 12:10 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
You know, maybe because I don't always pay good attention, but while I'm aware of Audrey, I had no idea your son was a Marine. Or, did I misinterpret?
7/9/06, 1:07 PM
Anonymous said...
This is wonderful, Rodger, someone actually telling the truth about Iraq. What a novel idea! I predict that this movie will be a HUGE hit - at least for an indie documentary. It's success will also dumbfound and outrage liberals everywhere. Won't that be fun?
GrinfilledCelt -
7/9/06, 2:57 PM
Anonymous said...
Our son, Ian, fullfilled his 6yr commit to USMC Resrv. His friend Sgt. Dan, was deployed, came home, found his job gone, so returned to Iraq. His wounds will not send him home, but the other sgt injured w/him has been sent to Germany for medical care. God Bless them, one and all. Juice
7/9/06, 3:47 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh, and YES... I agree 100% w/GrinfilledCelt. Won't it be great to see the Iraqi calling Michale Mooredumb a BITCH! :D Juice
7/9/06, 3:49 PM
Anonymous said...
I can't wait til the movie comes out! I dropped some gold in his hat. BTW, Casca Jr is now in the Infantry Officers Course at Quantico, and will be joining 1st LAR this Fall. That's a Light Armored Recon unit, and I believe the vehicle that Pat is riding in the clip, "Can't Bust a Nut".
Casca -
7/10/06, 12:41 PM