Friday, July 14, 2006

Joe & Val jump the shark

Joe, Val - Meet Fonzie
Despite a somewhat tortured analogy involving Edwin Walker, "Plaming Out: Joe Wilson Jumps the Shark" provides a nicely capsuled explanation of what these two Plame twats are up to. I like the opening.

One of the stars of the longtime hit TV series Happy Days, Arthur "The Fonz" Fonzerelli, played by Henry Winkler, is made to do something by the show's writers that was clearly designed to save the fading series from sinking ratings.

The something? The Fonz, on water skis, was forced to literally jump a shark. The episode not only failed to save the once popular series that also starred future director Ron Howard, "jumping the shark" became a Hollywood metaphor for the point at which a once believable premise became a caricature.

With the filing of a lawsuit against Vice President Cheney, White House political aide Karl Rove and ex-Vice Presidential aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame have finally jumped the shark.


Anonymous said...

For added humor, go here:

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Bwahaaa ... More Clinton legacy. In the old days they'd have been ''sanctioned with extreme prejudice,'' and we liked it that way.

Anonymous said...

Checked the site. No mention of reimbursing the US Government for Joe's fraudulent trip and non-report about Niger yellowcake.
No place to say "Valerie is a blowtoad" either.
Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

i am peed, or is it teed?

made the mistake of visiting C-Span to see these pathetic slimes...

then, like icing on the cake, Wendy Sherman, the Clintonite who aided in appeasing North Korea's Nut spent a few moments to provide more poop...

Democrats, Liberals, Moonbeams, Lefties, must be removed from any power, or influence, forever and ever.

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