scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, July 01, 2006
New York Times hilarity
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
had enough with the liberal bs in the L-MSM... -
7/1/06, 10:25 AM
- Jake said...
There will be a big protest across the street from the NYT on July 10th at 5PM. I am tempted to fly in for it.
7/1/06, 11:28 AM
Anonymous said...
This story is beyond the pale. Sickening. WTF is up with these jerks? The lines are sharply drawn in this country and there aren't many people in the middle. These *uckers are going to get us killed. and when they do, look for the likes of Richard Pearle to somehow blame Bush. BTW did you catch his latest crock of bullshit-no harm no foul? Lord help us.
Interesting video about the Times at
I'm tempted too Jake. -
7/1/06, 11:47 AM
- Thought Criminal said...
Rodge, Gerard over at American Digest has a very interesting post about this subject. Long, but thought provoking.
7/1/06, 12:15 PM
Anonymous said...
It's getting to the point where I no longer think of Punch Sulzberger as a name, but as a command to do a public service....
7/1/06, 4:33 PM
Anonymous said...
I suggested in a action email, which I have already started, is to call the big advertisers in the NYT, shame them into advertising in a treasonous paper that puts us and our familes at high risk and with the way a fire can begin on the internet (remember the Finger and Pepsi? I still have the em's I sent plus the hard copy letter and their reply.)
So we can preach to the choir here but we also have to take action. These assholes can come down as hard if not harder than Gunga Dan. Rush does a hell of job at it too. Peeps can get on their puters, get the advertisers and start emailing them and the fricking new building their putting up will come down faster than the Twin Towers did.
F**K Them. I hate to use that saying. But in this case it is war!!!!!!!!! Bastards.
We hear often that it is a matter of time when we will be hit again. Do we need another Beslan? (http://lordoftheflies.org/img/beslan01.htm)
Or as Ralph Peters wrote: When The Killers Come for The Kids:
The masochistic/Islamo-f**ktards raped these children, urinated on them and then blew them up. This is what the NYT doesn't give a rats ass about.
I am major enraged that those bastards like the rest of the BDS Libs will stop at nothing to politize this whole war and try to get their power back. If one child were lost in a attack at home those Lib bastards better run because Rodger, if there was a better reason to REALLY gas up that B-52 and lock and load it would be because of the children. -
7/2/06, 2:16 AM
Anonymous said...
I got a good horse-laugh out of that last item. I always do when the left resorts to mindreading and their other psychic powers to prop up their lame-ass arguments.
GrinfilledCelt -
7/2/06, 7:19 PM