Thursday, July 06, 2006

Two commie chicks do Mexico

Outrage and Indignity in Tijuana endorsed US congressional candidate Jeeni Criscenzo and activist Barbara Cummings traveled to Mexico to observe the recent election. Here are their reports.
We have here two perfect candidates for a proper fisking.  One, a congressional candidate from god knows where, has as her listed achievement an endorsement by an Impeach Bush organization.  The other's noteworthy accomplishment is caterwauling for Bob Fertik's cause celeb (this article appears on Fertik's site) ''The Downing Street Memo.''   If you forgot what all that Downing Street fuss was about, so did everyone else with a life.  Anyway, these two chicks somehow qualified as official Mexican Election Observers.  I'm sure they fail to see the irony in democrats ensuring honest elections, but there you are.  Maybe they're graduates of The Jimmy Carter Nobel Prize Prep School.  Here are some quick notes from the girls, just to give you a flavor.  Things look ominous from the get-go.

    July 4th. The state of the union is not good. George Bush has taken something very precious from me. The pride in saying I am an American and my flag stands for goodness and freedom.  (That smacks of sincerity, which is really kind of scary. We are dealing with True Believers here.)

  • We began by visiting several local polling places. I was impressed by the orderliness and dedication of the volunteers. The system is a simple one. A separate sheet for president, senator and congressperson. Each sheet is a different color and each party is a different color. Each party has a distinct logo and that is where you place the large X. There is a voter ID Card with photo which is compared to the photo in the master voting book. Finger is inked as we saw so prominently in Iraq.  (Gasp!  Voter ID cards?)
  • By late morning we began hearing of long lines and shortage of ballots at certain locations.  (Oh crap ... the Florida Formula.  Has anyone seen Karl Rove down there?)
  • As I talked to the people, several things became very apparent to me. A majority of those waiting were voting for Mr. Obrador, the populist candidate. They were poor people and were turning out in great numbers.   Waiting hours to vote. (OMFG.. I smell  hanging chads)
  • I began to think of Ohio and Florida. I began to feel the outrage and indignity those voters must have felt. I began to feel shame. The charade of bringing democracy to Iraq, while it is being eroded in the United States. Yet, in spite of the searing heat and lack of facilities, the lines were calm and orderly. How long, 5 hours, 6 hours, 7 hours? Elderly, babies, families, all waiting for a chance to choose hope over despair.  (Damn you Diebold!)
  • There are things that I know. I know that our government has interfered with the voting process in Mexico. Under the guise of fighting terror, Choicepoint, the Florida company chosen to knock Black voters off the rolls, was hired and tasked with providing voter lists form Mexico and Venezuela. Why? Were any of the 9-11 hijackers from either of these countries? Greg Palast, investigative journalist, is hot on this story and no doubt will uncover massive fraud related to this company.  (Oh Barbara, didn't you hear?  They were voting in a North Carolina primary and couldn't get back.  really.).

    I know, too, that for the first time in ages, the ban on alcohol was suspended the night before the vote. Liquor lobby or voter suppression?  (Damn you John Barleycorn!  Or is it Jose Cactus Juice?)


  • After observing the vote tally at the polling station where Silvia had been working we went back to their home to watch the results. We'd been hearing rumors all afternoon that Obrador was ahead by a huge margin. The television showed something else. Blah blah blah blah blah
Tedium sets in.  The thing that struck me most in this exercise was the apparent approbation for the voter I.D. requirement in Mexico. (There is a voter ID Card with photo which is compared to the photo in the master voting book).  Nothing strikes more terror in the hearts of  American Democrats.  Here's Fertik himself explaining why voter ID is unnecessary..
In reality, there is no significant need for any form of voter ID. It is already a felony to vote more than once, or to vote in someone else's name. Since the cost of getting caught (a felony conviction that will ruin your life) so greatly outweighs the benefit of doing it (casting one extra vote that has an infinitesimal chance of changing the outcome), no rational person would commit this crime.

When voter fraud occurs, it is practically never done in person at polling places. You must sign in, and your signature could betray you (unless you are an expert at handwriting fraud). Your face could betray you too, if the inspector knew the real voter's face. That is why it is almost impossible to find documented cases of in-person voter fraud - which is the only form of fraud that would theoretically be reduced by photo IDs.

He is right when he later on says that a lot of cheating comes via (mail in) ballots but we know  massive fraud at the polls exists too, which is why democrats will fight to the death to stop IDs. 

The communist candidate Obrador lost, but a recount is underway (which he is also losing).  Progressives simply do not understand that most people hate their ideas, so failure must always be due to some contrivance.  Maybe there'll be a peasant uprising in Mexico?  That 's worked pretty well after the previous 40 Revolucións, hasn't it?    I wonder if Barbara and Jeeni slept with Oscar, the guide, and are now in the hills with him learning their way around AK's?  And drunk on their asses?  That would do them some good, actually. 


Anonymous said...

....can't finish....gotta throw up.......

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I howled!

Anonymous said...

I swear all the Leftists from Speaker Manque Pelosi & Friends down to these two dumb twats read from the same scripts, and hearing the same story over and over for the last forty years is mighty wearisome. The sky in their world really is a different color, and no fact or logic will dissuade them. Scary thing is that they get to vote.
Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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