Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Animal Rights terror

Avenge Dario Ringach - Eat More Meat

Throwing in the Towel

The constant calls, the people frightening his children, and the demonstrations in front of his home apparently became a little too much.

Dario Ringach, an associate neurobiology professor at the University of California at Los Angeles, decided this month to give up his research on primates because of pressure put on him, his neighborhood, and his family by the UCLA Primate Freedom Project, which seeks to stop research that harms animals.

Anti-animal research groups are trumpeting Ringach’s move as a victory, while some researchers are worried that it could embolden such groups to use more extreme tactics.

In 1986, the National Organization of Women (NOW) used RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) to initiate a lawsuit against Right to Life groups who picketed abortion clinics.  Twelve years later all of the defendants were found guilty of having engaged in 21 acts of extortion.  I'm just saying.

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