Monday, August 21, 2006

Asbestos Unbundled

Doing an asbestos jig
In ruling that asbestos cases may no longer be bundled, a Michigan court 1) Made me wet my pants, and 2) caused this paragreaph to be written, which made me wet my pants again.

The three dissenting judges were close to apoplectic in their criticism of the order, and they've since been joined by Michigan trial lawyers who are predicting chaos and claiming rampant injustice. Their main gripe is that this order will further tangle the court system, since each case must now be tried individually. The argument is that bundling is necessary for court "efficiency." [Asbestos Unbundled]

That takes some nerve, since their willingness to file bogus suits is what clogged the courts in the first place.!!!

Plaintiff's Lawyers are little more than con artists who passed a bar exam.  The damage they've done to our country is incalclable, so this, to me, is like hearing the news of  Zarqawi's death [does jig].  I still want Peter Angelos to forfeit the Orioles.


Anonymous said...

Just another testimony to the Judiciary arrogating the power of both the Legislative and Executive to itself. Or wanting to. And now, in this intance, crying about it.

Dr.Hardcrab said...


Best thing that could happen to the O's: get rid of Assholose....


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