Friday, August 25, 2006


John Kerry is not an anomaly. Think about it. When Republican Presidents, or failed presidential candidates (damned few of those out there) have finished their terms, or lost their election, they pretty much retire. With dignity. Look at Democrats. Carter, Clinton, Gore, Kerry ... they just never STFU! Ever. WTF.


Anonymous said...

It's like the difference between Grown-ups and children. When Grown-ups finish a job, they don't still need constant attention, but kids do. They get used to being the center of attention and can't give it up.

Francis W. Porretto said...

This is a remarkably important observation. It helps to illuminate what Thomas Sowell called "the vision of the anointed" and its effect upon the national political discourse. In short, the Democrats feel themselves to be so morally superior to those of other leanings that they feel the longstanding tradition of past presidents disinvolving themselves from politics cannot and does not apply to them. They're morally licensed -- indeed, they might well feel morally obligated -- to act as super-arbiters of all things, and the effect on the actual conduct of a successor adminstration be damned.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Best comment ever ... well,today anyway. :D

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