Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Declare War, for startres

Islam is not a religion, it's a political cult.
This began as a  response to ''I Muslim.'' comments.  It grew.  What to do about Islam? If I'm El Supremo, here's what happens today.
  1. I strip Islam of it's status as a religion,  and designate it a hostile political cult. 
  2. Congress declares war on the Nation of Islam.  This is important because fifth columnists in the media, and other subversives,  may then be sanctioned.
  3. That done, I intern  U.S. citizens who practice the Muslim faith for the duration.  See Earl Warren.
  4. Illegal Muslim aliens are treated as enemy combatants, and imprisoned. Additional infiltrators are executed as saboteurs.
 The key is understanding that we are in a war, which fact will not be embraced by democrats and other leftists until, and unless,  they control the seats of power.  That very ascension, of course, guarantees defeat.  As Dan Patterson asked, What are the options

I am certain of this, we cannot continue taking the position articulated by the Czech official in the film.
''Until things explode this matter concerns us only marginally.  But once their number increases here, the danger becomes very real."
Europe is past the point of solving its problem without a bloodbath.  Maybe we too.

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