With a little more than two months to go before midterm elections, the polls show Democrats well positioned to win the House after 12 years out of power. So it's not too soon to consider who these Democrats are and how they would govern. - Back to the Congressional Future
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, August 31, 2006
A Democratic House
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
As things stand, it is only Denny Hasterts stubborn refusal to accept the Senate's Immigration Reform bil, that stands in the way of allowing illegal immigrants who have been in the country for five years or more (we take thier word for it) to apply for citizenship by paying fines and back taxes, and immigrants who have been in the country for 2 to 5 years to apply for citizenship at border checkpoints, bring their entire families to the US and receive Social Security and other benefits.
Still want a Speaker Pelosi?? -
8/31/06, 9:56 AM
Anonymous said...
HFS that's a frightening murderer's row. Lord help us if the Dems win.
Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
8/31/06, 11:05 AM
Anonymous said...
Man, if we end up with those DRCSMF we will be in deep doo doo. MFCS scare the poop out of me. Damn MF, Barney will be CS. Lol I guess this would be the Sh*t rising to the top, the worst of the worst.
Lord help us. Or meet at the barn, 5am sharp. MFCSer's -
8/31/06, 11:25 AM
- Jake said...
The Democrats in the House have become radicalized. The picture you paint is a rosy view of what could happen if the Democrats took over.
8/31/06, 11:38 AM
Anonymous said...
A true nightmare but call me Mr Silver Lining. I bet 2 years of treading water against the Islamofascists, maybe another big one some where in the world, Iran gets the bomb, the private sector reacts to the repeal of the tax cuts and all the other economic idiocy the dems are sure to bring with a recession, almost surely guarantees Rudy in '08.
Of course talk about a mess to be cleaned up, OMG, I sure don't want it to come to that.
Just a thought.
MM -
8/31/06, 12:37 PM
Anonymous said...
If Rudy were to become the Republican nominee that would assure a democrap in the whitehouse as well. People respect Rudy for his leadership in New York but the Republican base is not going to vote for him. It is not likely he could win the nomination. Other than law and order issues he might as welll be a democrap.
8/31/06, 12:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Seems to me a tough nosed, thick skinned leader is what we need and will continue to need. Hell, Rudy has got some negs, I know that. I like Allan but did you see him apologize and aplologize and apologize again last week? Impressive in a bad way.
Would you sit out '08 if it was Rudy and HRC? It could down to that and like I said, 2 years of dems having the House will highlight their miserable leadership.
I'm a rock solid, Christian Republican and there is no more important issue than Islamofascism. Rudy will deal with them better than anyone I see out there.
MM -
8/31/06, 1:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Rangel, Obey, Conyers, Franks, Waxman, Hastings?
thanks for the fine warning Mr. RS...
and some Conservatives are saying this might be good?
you know my HERO (besides RODGE), the mighty GEN. PATTON didn't think it was wise to let those NAZI rat bastards conquer the World, to build some dream of unrest, for some fantasy about coming back to fight...
sorry, kicking the liberal insanity to the curb, means every minute of everyday, in this silly one's book...
these loons might even get Felons, Illegals, FRANCE to vote legally, they will raise taxation, and it will lower our capital to challenge - while they buy votes with dependency, these loons might even try to rig the 'popular vote' - dumping the electoral college, or sell Texas to Iran, etc., etc...
playing with suicide is not wise...
if Hezbocrats get some kind of victory, see more wimps in the Republican Party embrace liberal moderate folly, not the opposite. -
8/31/06, 2:02 PM
Anonymous said...
a magnificient collection of true P'sOS
8/31/06, 3:15 PM
Anonymous said...
I really preferr Newt or Tancredo to any of them. But I could not in vote for Rudy and remain true to my own values. So no I would not vote in that election if it came down to Rudy as the repub canidate. there would be millions sit out that election.
8/31/06, 4:54 PM
Anonymous said...
Wow Jack. Always have appreciated your comments but you'd really let HRC become president?
I can't stand McCain, a backstabbing MoFo politician. A great American but a rotten senator. I'd hold my nose but I'd pull the McCain lever.
MM -
9/1/06, 10:17 AM