Thursday, August 10, 2006

Donk leaders prepare talking points

We didn't do it
That smell is overheated brain insulation as Donk leaders prepare talking points on this morning's terrorist news from Britain.  It is, of course,  critical to their success in the upcoming elections that the electorate be allowed to luxuriate in a false sense of security, especially now that they are once again the official  ''Hell no, We won't go'' party.  Here's my best guess on talking points that will begin flying around today.

  1. If Bush had captured bin-Laden, none of this would be happening. That's why we need democrat leadership in congress.
  2. Both Canada and Britain have exposed recent, and imminent terrorist threats;  have we?  No.  That's why we need democrat leadership in congress.
  3. The Israeli incursion into Lebanon has made Muslims angry, and precipitated angry response.  Where has Condi Rice been?  That's why we need democrat leadership in congress.
  4. Only if we sit down at the peace table with Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and al-Qaeda,  and through the give and take that is so necessary for good diplomacy - something the Bush Administration has refused to do - can we  end this  season of terror.  That's why we need democrat leadership in congress.
  5. This whole so-called plot was contrived by Karl Rove to make us fearful of changing direction.  That's why we need democrat leadership in congress.
  6. Katrina.  That's why we need democrat leadership in congress.


Anonymous said...

You forgot one. If Bush hadn't stolen the 2000 election, none of this would be happening. JUice

Jake said...

I like the good old days when the Democrats had only two talking points:

1. The Republicans will end social security and old people will starve.
2. The Republicans will end welfare and children will starve.

That's when Democrats were move believable than they are now.

Anonymous said...

On RCP today, Richard Holbrooke says exactly what you nailed in point 4. And I kid you not, on Townhall today, there is a column with a long excerpt from a far leftie wacko making the point that Rove cooked up the British airline bomb plot to take the spotlight off the Lamont victory. Right again Rog! How do you do it?

You can not make this stuff up.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Every single success America has had, going back to Iran Hostages being freed on Reagn's Inauguration day, has been viewed by the left as part of a conspiracy to make them look bad.

Anonymous said...

God I love you my friend. This is great!

Anonymous said...

Umm, Rodger, I have sinned. I stole your stuff, and posted it onto Gleen Greenwald's comments section. I'm gonna guess noone will recognize the spoof, except not my first time there.
We'll see.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

You cannot steal anything from me ... it's all for the taking, and you don't havr to attribute either. But thanks.

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