scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, August 28, 2006
EMP Warfeare
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Cuzzin Rick -
8/28/06, 3:41 PM
Anonymous said...
I guess that means that when you finally have to retreat to a loan corner of your basement, where you've sacked away all that weaponry, ammunition, water, and canned goods, you shouldsn't plan on relying on an electric can opener.
Cuzzin Rick -
8/28/06, 3:47 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I think if you have electrical power - prolly from youe own generator - the can opener, or anything else that doesn't depend on chip circuitry, will work. That means you can maintain a tidy bikini line with your Lady Schick, Ricky. Bwahaaaaaaa.
BTW, where was my ''Brien at the Movies'' last week? -
8/28/06, 4:19 PM
Anonymous said...
A sophisticated delivery vehicle could produce high-altitude pulse of sufficient power to produce instant Stone Age in modern societies: no communications means no more food deliveries, no planes, no ground vehicles with electronic ignition systems, no computers, no pacemakers, no supermarkets, no banking, no telephones, no hospital equipment, no ipods, no e-mail, no cellfones, and on and on and on.
Iran has been longing for a return to a 7th Century caliphate, and it's surprising we haven't helped them go back there. This would do it. Kinda put the kibosh on that NorKor loonie-tunes also; his missiles and nuke facilities would be toast.
But . . . we're the nice guys. -
8/28/06, 4:59 PM
- Dr.Hardcrab said...
They have been doing that down here at the Naval Air Systems Warfare base (Pax River) for some years now. Interesting stuff........
8/28/06, 5:04 PM
Anonymous said...
What if your car is parked and not running? Does it's electronic circuitry still get fried? I gotta believe that military weapon systems have been hardened. And if it was done to us, I'd bet you a dollar, we'd do it to everyone. Just to keep the playing field level. Let's see who would get back up to speed first.
On the bright side, no more MSM, UN, NYT or WaPo. I sure would miss running my VitaMix and beveling equipment. Makes me really consider putting a generator in. If I'm not already there, at what point do my neighbors start going inside when I pass by?
I thought the gun that can shoot a million! rounds a minute was incredible.
MM -
8/28/06, 7:18 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I'm doing Metal Storm next.
8/28/06, 7:23 PM
Anonymous said...
very cool...
8/28/06, 9:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Just line your basement (and the generator) with a Faraday Cage and all will be well.
The buggers cost a bunch, but hey, that razor, the can opener, the generator are all what life's about, right?
Your parked car will get toasted, your running car will get toasted. Even your digital camera will get toasted (though the latest "War of the Worlds" flick missed that point). -
8/28/06, 10:46 PM
Anonymous said...
Hmm.....sounds like a non-turbo diesel might be a good investment
8/29/06, 6:41 AM
Anonymous said...
See "Faraday Cage" at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_cage
When I was working with the Corps of Engineers 20 years ago, they were working on this big time. I have no idea what other spooky force-field things they may have come up with since. The Faraday Cage is simple, and probably all you and I can afford, unless you tunnel far enough underground. Think of a total-surround lightning rod to ground the EMP pulse, just like grounding a lightning bolt, and you got the idea. -
8/29/06, 8:39 AM