Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fertil and lamont

Dispatch from enemy central
It's my sense that Bob Fertik's ( influence on today's Sacco & Vanzetti set has been eclipsed by, first, and now Kos, but  he's still a reliable bellwether.  Here he is on the subject of Joe Lieberman.

During the Vietnam War, Peter Arnett interviewed an anonymous US officer who said "we had to destroy the village in order to save it."

That's the model for Joe Lieberman's post-defeat strategy, as he told Matt Lauer:

I am committed to this campaign, to a different kind of politics, to bringing the Democratic party back from Ned Lamont, Maxine Waters to the mainstream.

Ned Lamont and Maxine Waters represent the opposite ends of American society. Lamont, the grandson of J.P. Morgan chairman Thomas Lamont, inherited a fortune and made it larger, became a pillar of the Greenwich establishment (even joining a whites-only country club), yet mentored poor Bridgeport students to help them get a chance at the good life he inherited. Maxine Waters, one of 13 children raised by a single mother, started factory work at 13, put herself through college,

Here's the part I like, Lamont ... became a pillar of the Greenwich establishment (even joining a whites-only country club) ... . WTF?  Fertik makes it sound like Lamont was on a dangerous mission.  Was he furtively infiltrating blue-blooded society after graduating from Communist Training School?  Or, is it that he's just another liberal hypocrite?

To give you a sense of the disaster that Lamont is,  a civil war has erupted within the democratic party.  New Republic owner Marty Peretz, who once fired the late Michael Kelly for being critical of Al Gore, attacks the Lamont family ties to communism (''.. Ned Lamont, from the stock of Morgan partner Thomas Lamont and that most high-born American Stalinist, Corliss Lamont ...)!  BTW, uncle Corliss was a self admitted communist, despite what Lamont's apologists are saying.  Even someone as  despicable as Clintoid Lanny Davis condemned the antisemitism, now rampant, in democrat circles (although in so doing, he smugly equivocated, "we expect that from republicans, but not our party'')..

As for the Maxie Waters puffery ... Bwahaaaaaa.  Damn, I feel good.


Anonymous said...

It is a grand thing, ain't it Rog? It looks like Joe will probably win in November and you gotta think that he'll remember the royal back stabbing he got in the run up to Tuesday's primary. Now I have to side with the dems after the election who said the party's nominee is the one who should be supported, but man they sure steered clear of Joe before Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the fine writ MR. S...

NB and others have noted the Dems, those in the MSM as well, are urging JOE to disappear... (Hillary dumped him)

so if JOE wins in NOV, does this mean the 'drive by media' will be saying it is a National bellwether for National Security, and a commitment to the GWOT?

i love the MSM's attempt to make this libs of CONN a National movement, but it really just shows how bonkers the DNC really is...

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The more I've thought about it, the more I'm convinced that Lieberman will do a Stockholm Syndrome, and cozy up with his party. Remember, even though he flies with angels on national security, in all other respects he's Ted Kennedy. Still, he is the best Democrat in Congress.

Anonymous said...


i must agree...

the pressure on him to drop out is thick...

but, who knows, maybe Joe will show some guts.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

No, I think you misunderstood. Lieberman will be reelected, and far from ginving a little payback, he'll go out of his way to be a ''Team'' player.

Anonymous said...

Lieberman in all respects is a dyed in the wool lib democrat.His one saving grace over the Lamont trash is he wants to defend the country.Yet he got almost half the democrap vote in Conn very liberal state. I do not see how this portends great gains for the crappers in the general election.The only way I see great gains by the dems is if Republicans put off by the senate and the Presidents insane immigration policy and the attempt to give amnesty to millions of illegal's stay home and do not show up at the polls. which is posible.

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