Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hitcins says ''Fuck you'' to Maher's ilk.

Bill Maher's Ilk
Christoper Hitchins, who once described himself on C-Span as being ''not just liberal, but radical liberal,'' hadn't met Hezbocrats like Bill Maher and friends at the time. Hell, who had?

Transcript of the relevant portion of the discussion about Iran on the August 25 season premiere of the weekly HBO show aired live Friday nights at 11pm EDT/10pm CDT:

Christopher Hitchens: “Who wants a Third Word War? The Iranian President says that one member state of the United Nations should be wiped physically from the map with all its people. He says the United States is a Satanic power. Members of his government, named members of his government have been caught sponsoring deaths squads. He's lied, he's lied to the European Union about his nuclear program-”

Bill Maher: “But you know that a lot-”

Hitchens: “He says the Messiah is about to come back. Who's looking for a war here?”

Maher: “So does George Bush, by the way [audience applause]. That's not facetious [audience applause continues].”

Hitchens: “That's not facetious. Your audience, which will clap at apparently anything, is frivolous. [oohs and groans from audience, Hitchens gives them the finger] Fuck you, fuck you. [groans continue]”

Maher: “I was just saying what the President of Iran and the President of America have in common is that they both are a little too comfortable with the idea of the world coming to an end.”

Hitchens: “Cheer yourself up like that. The President has said, quite a great contrast before the podium of the Senate, I think applauded by most present, in his State of the Union address, that we support the democratic movement of the Iranian people to be free of theocracy -- not that we will impose ourselves on them, but that if they fight for it we're on their side. That seems to be the right position to take, jeer all you like.” - [Via SondraK, Via  Brent Baker at NewsBusters]


AnnoyedOne said...

Who's this Christopher Hitchens guy? I like him!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Anonymous said...

Christopher Hitchens is hard to categorize. I'd call him a liberal with a brain that works, and who knows the score- that the first people to go under the knife if the Islamofascists win would be the lefties. He also writes very, very well.

Anonymous said...

Where are all the ol' anti-nuclear protestors?

Anonymous said...

Why don't these idiots get it? He who is a friend of my enemy is my enemy.

Anonymous said...

lam glad Chris told Bill off that weasel had it coming.

Anonymous said...

Hitchens also once said "Ronald Reagan was neither a fox nor a hedgehog. He was as dumb as a stump."

Rodger the Real King of France said...

He also is, as near as I can tell, the only person on earth to attack Mother Theresa in print.

Anonymous said...

While I enjoy Hitchens giving the finger to the Maher crowd. I am not about to forget what he is.

Anonymous said...

Yep, a solid lib. But on the war in Iraq and Islamofascism, he is correct.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Evidence of Hitchin's epiphany may be found in this 1992 Nation column [The Hitchens-Pollitt Papers].

"" .... as I told you on the telephone the other day. At public forums in the past several months, debating with Oliver Stone in one case and with Michael Moore in another, and with several others in between, I have heard witless applause for fatuous debating points and for fatal casuistry, and have realized that I am hearing the magazine's propaganda and attitude being played back to me." The Hitchens-Pollitt Papers"

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