Saturday, August 26, 2006



This reminds me. A few nights ago I heard that media jock sniffer John McCain was off to Europe to look for evidence of global warming.  Think about that.  What a pandering putz.


Anonymous said...

He been hit in the head with a rifle butt one too many times.

Anonymous said...

I respect McCains service to our country as a Navy pilot but if this man is the Republican canadate for President we are in deep dodo. I will never vote for him. I keep expecting to see him in an interview rolling ball bearings around in his hand.

Anonymous said...

Of course one should respect McCain's military service. BUT. That, in no way, absolves nor certifies his political whoring. I could never vote him. Juice

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Manchurian Candidate McCain, along with that MFCS Russ Feingold, did as much damage to our freedom - with the so called ''finance reform'' bill- as the ACLU has in nearly 100 years of persistant attack. Never fear though. John McCain can NEVER win the nomination.

Anonymous said...

Look up "Keating 5" or "Keating Five." That's all I need to know about McCain-- or John Glenn, for that matter.


Anonymous said...

remember when he opposed the Bush tax cuts?

putz indeed...

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