Friday, August 04, 2006

Murtha's Kerry problem

The Man. His Party.
A Cybercast News Service investigation also reveals that one of Murtha's former Democratic congressional colleagues and a fellow decorated Vietnam veteran, Don Bailey of Pennsylvania, alleges that Murtha admitted during an emotional conversation on the floor of the U.S. House in the early 1980s that he did not deserve his Purple Hearts.


Anonymous said...

thanks for this...

how is that fine GOP Woman doing in her bid to oust Mad Murtha?

Anonymous said...

Boy, is my face red!!!

I served in a rifle company in the same division, at the same time and in the same place as that old war horse, Congressman Jack Murtha, and came out of there laboring under the impression that a regimental level intelligence officer occupied perhaps the pre-eminent REMF billet in the entire III MEF. Little did I know that warriors like Jack "Manila John" Murtha were "out in the field almost every day" standing foursquare and in lockstep with the grunts. How did I miss that?

I'd love to read the citation in support of his Bronze Star with Combat "V" award in order to more fully appreciate just how valorous Jack "Chesty" Murtha truly was. It's just a darn shame Jack's apparently too modest to release it.

And another thing, I think it's almost criminal that ol' "Howling Mad" Murtha was forced to wait until he was out of theater and away from his comrades before he had to put in for his own Purple Heart awards rather than getting them the old fashioned way, which was to rely on medical reports and witness accounts. Oh, the injustice!


Anonymous said...

Cheap politicians like Murtha and Kerry have devalued this honorable award that was meant for those that were wounded while serving there country.By using there office and actively seeking out this award when undeserved for political benefit.They use there influence like Murtha or chicanery like Kerry to acquire them. The official that give in to people like Murtha has contributed to the lessening of the medal as well. Those that earned it honorably will be looked at wondering if they got there award like Kerry or Murtha.I have heard people using the term John Kerry wound already.It makes you want to remove it from your uniform.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but I just can't take it anymore. Jack, you are an intelligent and articulate guy with interesting things to say. I agree with most of what you say, but please, please, please, take a few minutes to learn the difference between the words there, their and they're. I feel petty for bringing it up, but it really bugs me.

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