Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Shadow Party

Mr. Democrat - George Soros
Have you noticed that some of the democratic party's more repugnant glitterati have been absent as we run-up to the 06 election? I'm speaking about jerks like Michael Moore, and George Soros. This morning on Fox and Friends David Horowitz spoke about Mr. Soros, the subject of his new book, The Shadow Party. I learned that is a Soros operation, which explains why it sounds exactly like Another tid-bit is David's charge that Soros accompanied Nazis as they confiscated Jewish property. I'll be looking further into that one. The clip is about 4MB (WMV).


Jake said...

Ironically George Soros had very little influence before campaign finance reform. But the use of 527s to hid money has meant that George Soros has become one of the most influential men in America.

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