Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ta-Ta South Korea

" North Koreans want nukes, eh? And the South Koreans want us out of their country? No problem, I see a simple solution to this problem that will make everyone happy! We pull out troops out of South Korea. North Korea then promptly invades South Korea. We then nuke the Koreans as a whole, and everyone gets what they want for Christmas!" What more can be said? - Dec 14, 2002

Looks the the ROK will have their mettle tested pretty soon.  It's my sense that young South Koreans, with no remembrance of the Korean War, and looking an awful lot like some Americans I know, see detente with baby Kim's nukes as better than trading their spiffy new Hyundai Dragon Slayers GT, and backyard hibachis for Jeeps and a messhall.

''Nearly four years later I have not heard a better response, and it looks as though the ROK will have their opportunity. 

''For South Koreans who go about their daily routine in this bustling capital oblivious to the North Korean menace only an hour's drive away, much of their sense of security in the past half century has derived from a belief that if war breaks out, the United States will take control of the South Korean military and fight as if it was America's own war.
''But that sense of security has been undermined in the past week as news leaked out that President Roh Moo Hyun of South Korea was pushing for one of the biggest shake-ups in the U.S.-South Korean military alliance since it was forged during the Korean War.''

International Herald Tribune

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thus the liberal legacy, painting the good guy, the one who fought for other's freedom in the globe, as the bad guy...


what was that term Lenin coined?

"useful idiots"

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