Monday, August 21, 2006

There are no arguments here

Read my mood
Hundreds of protesters and counter-protesters assembled in this small Philadelphia suburb (Hazleton, Pa.)· Sunday in response to the community's new attempt to crack down on illegal immigration.

About 200 protesters argued against a township ordinance adopted last month that bans the hiring and housing of people who cannot verify they are legal residents.·

I know liberals hate black and white issues, but T.S.· The protestors have zero law behind them, even with the new ordinance aside.

"This can only lead to more separation, more hostility, more hatred, more anger," Marlene Lao-Collins, associate director of the New Jersey Catholic Conference, told protesters.

Yeah, about 3000 miles of separation Marlene.· If they can't prove citizenship, send them back pronto.·
But, Rodge, what about illegals who've had children born here?· Their kids are U.S. citizens.
Okay, deport the parents, then arrest the kids for loitering.


Anonymous said...

Americans are now treated to the sorry spectacle of a criminal alien holed up in a Methodist church in Chicago simply because she does not want to abide by the laws of this country. She made that clear when she entered the country illegally and was deported yet retuned again.

She has with her a seven year old child setting the fine example if you don’t like the law just ignore it because it goes against what I want. I am angry about this situation because of the sheer gall of this woman the absolute unmitigated gall. Who does she think she is? There are millions upon millions of women in this world that would like to simply take up residence in this country but we cannot take them. So Elvira Arellano will just spit in the face of America and declare she is staying anyway.

Besides her criminal conduct her and her handlers lie saying she does not want to be separated from her anchor baby as if the authorities will keep her child here and deport her. This is simply a lie her child will go with her unless she makes some arrangement and decides on her own for the child to remain here. This woman should be arrested and deported immediately. She also should never be considered for a legal status of residency in this country and never be allowed to become an American citizen. She has already proven our laws mean nothing to her. She has also used a phony social security number that has caused some poor citizen untold misery.

The authorities are responsible for this situation as well for releasing her and giving her a day to report for deportation she should have never been released. ICE should not delay another day they should go in today and arrest this woman. If this woman is given a free pass by our government we might as well just throw open the borders and watch our country destroyed from unassimilated aliens. Voters should remind this administration that we are watching to see if they have the will to enforce our laws. Catch and release has simply got to be done away with even if the federal authorities have to erect tent cities like the sheriff in Arizona. The church that is involved it’s self both politically and aiding an illegal should lose its tax exempt status forthwith. Enough is enough.

Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

Damn Rodge, was wonderin' what the hell happened. Must have shut off my computer 4 times, thinking it was my laptop.

Anonymous said...

The myth that children born on US soil are automatically conveyed citizenship needs to be exposed. It simply isn't true. I'd have to go look up the the exact wording, but it is along these lines: "Children born to parents who are subject to the laws of the US are considered citizens of the US." Something like that. In no way, except in the liberal mind, can the original wording be construed to mean that, "...every child born in the US is automatically a citizen."


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Please do look that up, because there is - or was- talk in congress about doing away with auto matic citizenship to any born on American soil.

Anonymous said...

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

(First sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868. The remainder of the Amendment is about due process limitations affecting said citizenship.)

guinspen said...

Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868

Revoked in 2008.

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