Thursday, August 24, 2006

To scale Nazi Train

I honestly don't know who did this, but it's amazing


Anonymous said...

Aaaahhh! It's Dick Cheney the Nazi! lol More propaganda for the Hezbocrats... Yeah, I've always wondered about the cleanliness thing with thongs too. Course I'm old and things don't come out as clean as they did when younger. Too much info, sorry.


Anonymous said...

Amazing. It wasn't until I got to the motorcycle that I looked closely enough to see that it wasn't a series of 60-year-old photos.

Anyone know what purpose the side shields on the front of the engine serve?

Anonymous said...

I'm saving my pennies to buy one of those motorcycle sidecar combo units (Ural). Anyone know of a place online that sells the little models? I'd love to have one on my desk to motivate me.

Anonymous said...

A well-done layout of a horrifying regime; it's a shame that such talent wasn't spent on the models of the forces who sought to liberate people rather than inslave them.

The side shields are called 'smoke lifters' to allow exhaust to be lifted above the trailing cab and cars.

Dan Patterson
Arrogant Infidel

Anonymous said...

Okay, so that link sent me on a search. Now, my husband has a copy of "If Men Wrote Advice Columns" that I lifted there. Too funny!! Juice

Anonymous said...

I was under the impression that the steel sideskirts were to prevent the boiler from exploding if hit by an AP round during an airplane strafing run. Steel sideskirts may also be seen on Panzers and the like, late WWII. Premise was that a round would hit the skirt and ablate and not penetrate beyond.

Anonymous said...

Not just any round, but specifically HEAT rounds, i.e. "shaped charges".

Anonymous said...


that is incredible...

Anonymous said...

You can see a better version in action in the film, Enemy at the Gates, where the locomotive is used to transport riflemen to Stalingrad.

Anonymous said...

This diorama looks about 1/8th scale, so the bike and sidecar is probably one of the ESCI models, which you can pick up on ebay. If you want something smaller, Tamiya do one in 1/35th.
ESCI also do the WLA Harley and a 350cc Triumph and a Zundapp.

Robert in England

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