Sunday, August 20, 2006

Will Ferrel Festival

The 10 Best Will Ferrell Skits of All-Time has the Ten Seven Best Will Ferrel's (including Chris Walken's "I need more cowbell" at #6).  Inexplicably, #9 "Gus Chiggins;" #5 "Harry Caray;" and #1 " Mr. Tarkanian, the Boss From Hell" were removed after NBC complained about copyright violation.  Somehow the rest survive, but act quickly.


AnnoyedOne said...

Thanks Rodger. Now I understand the context of all the "needs more cowbell" jokes.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

We have a diverse curriculum here at Schlong U.

Anonymous said...

You can save the movies using a Firefox exension named VideoDownloader.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I tried it, but find the whole thing useless because you can only play them in a special media player.

Anonymous said...

For best results, select "save as .AVI", and create a new title, making sure to put .avi on the end. The best player for these files seems to be Real Player. You can also use VLC, DivX Player, and Media Player Classic. You can't use QuickTime or WMP.

Do not use the Download link on the YouTube page. That just downloads a link to the server, not a copy of the file itself.

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