Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Windows arghhhhhh

More Windows Abuse
Okay smart geeky people ... my Windows XP (OEM) is on the hard drive.  How do I handle the instruction, "Insert Windows XP CD  and press continue" ?


Anonymous said...

Can you browse to your cd-rom image on your hard disk?

Or ... can you just buy a Mac?

Anonymous said...

Try this answer: Either it's looking to verify your copy or it's looking for a file. I've called MSFT ($35) and they've waived the charge a couple of times because it was one of there problems.

Anonymous said...

their prollems.

Eli said...

I just seach my Windows directory for the file. It's usually already there, but Windows is too stupid to figure it out. Thanks Microsoft.

Anonymous said...

Press "Continue", then enter/browse for the path to the installation files/directory.


Anonymous said...

usually in a 'cab' file if I recall correctly.

Anonymous said...

cab folder

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristopher! Not so loud with the M word. These are not rational people. They go nuts at the M word. They have been known to jerk heads and shit necks.....sHhhhhh....let's keep it to ourselves. OK?

MCPO Airdale said...

OSX doesn't seem to have that problem.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I prefer LINUX ... but a Mac is a good option for folks who are tired of Windows design errors and gaping security holes.

Search "my computer" for .cab files ... once you have found them, you can browse your way over to them.

One way you can get Windows to remember where they are is to upgrade the driver for some hardware in the device manager ... when you get the "look for driver in" dialog, add the .cab directory to the section that handles places on the HD to look.

It should look there for other stuff on later driver searches without further prompting.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

my head hurts

Anonymous said...

Your head is supposed to hurt.

If it didn't, we techies might starve.

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