Thursday, September 07, 2006

al Qaeda prisoners

Understanding Bush's Speech
My knee-jerk reaction to Drudge's Holy Crap! headline last night was "sonofabitch!". That lasted about 30 seconds, because while the President has not pleased me on all fronts, his conduct in the war on terror has been magnificent.  I knew there had to be more to it, and there is.  Tom Bevin at Real Clear Politics calmed me down.

The "old media" and Drudge have it all wrong. Bush is not reversing course and they are not getting "Geneva Rights."

Today, the President has wagered all of his "political chips" and sided with the uniformed Combat Arms Branches instead of the JAG Chiefs.

First, whenever the President brings up that the illegal combatants are not uniform, that is a clear sign to those of us in the military that these individuals are not covered by Geneva.

Second, he is very clear that the CIA Detention program remains alive and well. ONLY after all information is obtained will they be turned over to DOD for military trial. Then they will face a death sentence.

Third, the President directly attacks the opinion by SCOTUS. continued

The picture of Condi has nothing to do with this story


Anonymous said...

i was able to view the speech...

agreed, it was strong, and seems the President remains resolved on the War on Terror...

clearly, he was dogging the Ginsbergs on the SC, and challenged the liberal weens in Congress to get the job done.

another reason, to rebuke the DNC, cause they want to include foriegn terrorists in our Courts, and treat the entire World as US Citizens...

great photo of Condi...

Anonymous said...

I loved hearing Bush "assign" congress w/the rules of understanding for our troops. It was a put-up or shut-up challenge and I immediately thought of the nine Haditha Marines currently held at Pendelton.
And another thing, that photoshop is perfect in image and interpretation: Don't Tread on Me.

Jake said...

Rereading the Geneva convention indicates your post is correct. Although combatants do not need to wear uniforms, they must distinguish themselves from non-combatants. Plus they must not blend with the population. Terrorists have always blended with the population

So when the President says he is applying the Geneva Convention rules to these terrorists, he is saying that they are not protected by the Geneva Convention.

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