Monday, September 25, 2006

Ayman al-Zawahiri - Personal Injury Law

You Bastard!
It's not bad enough that he's one of the greatest mass murderers in history, now that sumbitch Ayman al-Zawahiri is doing personal injury law on the side. Grrrrrr.


Anonymous said...

HA! Muhamed and GOLDSTEIN???!!
Ambulance chasers succeed in Mid East peace process.
And they say politics makes for strange bedfellows. We've always known, it's ALL about $$$$$$. JUice

Anonymous said...


beer out the nose again!

ohhhhhhh my...


Anonymous said...

72 Ugly Virgins? I want Goldstein on this one.

New game I just made up. To post this, the passcode is "wtdtcqf". Let's see:

What toddy did Clinton torrentially quaff 'forehand?

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