Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Network Duel
As we speak a rather lengthy (14 minute) Schlog-O-Vision report is being complied on Schultz TV. I recorded this morning's Fox & Friends, and NBC's Today Show coverage of the Clinton Rage story. Most of the report is NBC's since, true to form, they had two guests to help them get through it. Unfortunately, the two guests were Clinton factotums James Carville and Paul Begala. I left it pretty much unedited, so you decide. In the meanwhile, here is a 2 Mb version of the same report (the original is 22 Mb) that, while of much poorer visual quality, is still informative - in case you can't wait.


Anonymous said...

That required the pause button for a second cup of coffee, but I stayed for the entire....."we're never treated fairly by the press" comedy show.

Carville: what planet does he live on? "The good Dr.Clinton gave us (Dem party)a spine transplant."

Know what else, Mr. Carville? That angered response was not *planned* by the great HillBilly! It WAS a freaking melt down.

Always the same response when truth appears before liars like a Holy water on vampires. Juice

Anonymous said...

Two of the worse CS's that ever lived.

Anonymous said...

Prolly already saw this one, but this *truth in comedy* dovetails so nicely w/Sir Carville's comment in your video.



Anonymous said...

it would freak those Hezbocrats out, if Condi suddenly decides to run for the Presidency...


thanks for the vids Mr. S

seeing these fools desperately try to help the loser Bill Clinton is amazing.

they squirm, and
NORAH is laughable...

they have been on this unethical sinking ship for well over 10 years now...

"sox berger"

the Hezbocrats who are excited about Billy's disaster, are the same who were thrilled with the Wellstone Memorial.

they want a more intense challenge to Republicans, which means shouting 'blah, blah, blah' right over a cliff...

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