Tuesday, September 26, 2006

John ACLU McCain

John McCain
Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) named three measures that he said would no longer be allowed under a provision barring techniques that cause serious mental or physical suffering by U.S. detainees: extreme sleep deprivation, Dixie Chick Music and ''ketchup on hot dogs.''  He also said other ''extreme measures'' would be banned.


Anonymous said...

What's that, one of John' war brides that the Manchurian Candidate picked up at the Hilton? John's old buddies in Hanoi will put up another monument of him after this. Wouldn't want to offend an enemy now or treat them any harsher than John was treated. Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hamas and Hezbollah all are signatories to the Geneva Accords. Aren't they?

Anonymous said...

DO IT! DO IT! Press the freaking button!

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