Friday, September 01, 2006

Kennedy Volkswagon Ad

Today's 'Worth Posting Again''
 National Lampoon began publishing in the '70's;  this was an early offering.  It's still a beauty.

If Ted Kennedy drove a Volkswagen,
he'd be President today


The way our body is built, we'd be surprised if it didn't. The sheet of flat steel that goes underneath every Volkswagen keeps out water, as well as dirt and salt and other nasty things that can eat away at the underside of a car. So it's watertight at the bottom. And everybody knows it's easier to shut the door on a Volkswagen after you've rolled down the window a little.

That proves it's practically airtight on top. If it was a boat, we could call it the Water Bug. But it's not a boat, it's a car.

And, like Mary Jo Kopechne, it's only 99 and 44/100 percent pure. So it won't stay afloat forever. Just long enough. Poor Teddy. If he'd been smart enough to buy a Volkswagen, he never would have gotten into hot water.

When a law suit was threatened by VW, National Lampoon ran the following retraction:

 "Even if Ted Kennedy had driven a Volkswagen he wouldn't be president today."


Anonymous said...

So I get a donation request letter from Kenneth Chase (R) with a picture of Ted Kennedy on the envelope. As soon as I placed the envelope into the shredder, it stops with the warning of Overload.

Jake said...

"If Ted Kennedy drove a Volkswagen, he'd be President today."

I disagree with that statement. Ted Kennedy would have hid from the public for 24 hours instead of his 12 hours. And Mary Jo Kopechne would have remained alive trapped in the car for 20 hours instead of the 8 hours she actually did.

The end results would have been the same.

KeesKennis said...

For a dare in 1974 I drove a Volkswagen into a big Dam in SA.
We stayed afloat for +- 14 minutes.
I dont think that would have saved the miscreant.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

what of your VW?

KeesKennis said...

It sank but once we were sober we pulled it out agian.

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