From the "How Obvious Can You Be"
file are demands from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to "release the
entire report," now that declassified portions of the the
National Intelligence Estimate on terror disputes their claims that
Iraq has made jihadists stronger. The National Intelligence Estimate on
terror is the product of 16 intel agencies, based entirely on
conversations. The New York Times
boiled the entire document down to "The Iraq war made terrorism worse."
Where were democrat demands for full disclosure then?
- The New York Times again printed classified documents that encourage our enemies.
- Democrats (who coincidentally were beginning hearings on Iraq the next day) pounced on them with glee
- President Bush declassifies pertinent sections of the NIE Report
- Nancy Reid countered by demanding that their hearings be
moved to private session (the last such session was in 1963). Why
the sudden worry about the reports contents?
- The Times' leaks were incomplete, and misleading at best.
- The declassified NIE report shows that our involvement in Iraq has hurt al-Qaeda badly
Look at this story from today's New York Sun. See if you can find it
in the New York Times (or anywhere else in Drive-by-Media territory). |
As War Over Leak Grips Washington, Al Qaeda Quails
By ELI LAKE - Staff Reporter of the Sun
September 27, 2006
WASHINGTON — On a day when much of the capital's attention was focused
on leaked excerpts of an intelligence estimate report that suggested
the Iraq war was creating more jihadists, the military quietly released
an intercepted letter from Al Qaeda complaining that the terrorist
organization was losing ground in Iraq.
It's been observed by others that democrats have wrapped their entire
future on President Bush's failure in the war on terror. They are betting against the United States; if we win, they lose. They sound like enemy combatants me.