Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Quote of the day

''I think I'll have to live a long time before I can do as much good as the former President as I did as President.'' - Bill Clinton on the Daily Show, 9-19-06


Anonymous said...

What a shlub! He didn't even offer to clean Monica's dress. Well..... he did help the Chinese a bit....
Six years after it's still all about meeeeee. And the best good he can do as ex-prez is STFU and disappear.
I loathe that foul creature.
Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...


what is even funnier, the Dems like this idiot...

Anonymous said...

I don't believe a Dimoshit will get into the White House, but can you just imagine HillBilly trying to suck the air out of that candidate??
Wonder how long it would take to find him *gone missing*? Juice

Anonymous said...

Three words...


Just Another Old Geezer said...

Agree with Lt Gen Tailgunner dick but I would add one thing that would raise him a few inches toward the top of the whaleshit IMHO. That one thing would be for him to take Jimmah with him on the way out.

Anonymous said...

Hell, he could accomplish that tomorrow if he wanted to.

Anonymous said...

"as much good . . . as I did as President."

If he died painfully and ignominiously a thousand times every day for a thousand years, he couldn't undo the damage he did to the presidency, erase the shame he brought to the nation, or disinfect the contagion he spewed throughout the Democratic Party.

I agree, the miserable, posturing, self-promoting, lying sonofabitch probably has convinced himself that he was a good leader, that he balanced the budget, that he overthrew Communism, and that he protected the nation from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

He's not worth cleaning up with a greasy shop rag. He's got a tough row to hoe if he wants to catch up with the sedition and treason and disruption caused by his Democratic predecessor, Jimmah.

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