Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sane the ACLU

Save The ACLU
Earlier I watched Norman Siegel tell F&F why he founded  Not STOP the ACLU, but SAVE it.  So, we know he's a bad guy, albeit one fighting worse than he. After watching Norm, I put him in a niche with Leon Trotsky, who fell out of favor with the Bolsheviks over purity of purpose (i.e., seeing Russia signing a peace treaty with an imperialist power (Germany) as unworthy of a true socialist.  Eewwwwwww!).  So Siegel is still a ratbastard, but a principled ratbastared.  He details how today's ACLU is censoring employee's E-mails - and here's the part I liked - has instituted a ''boycott of coming on FOX network, because they figure you'll give them a hard time."

Maybe now that Willy has given Democrats a ''spine,'' [which must mean they were without one before Sunday]  the ACLU will relent.  By the way, Google search  ''Norm Siegel'' and see what you get.  Nada.   For the second time today we turn to the New York Sun for a real news story nobody else will touch. ["Campaign To Oust ACLU Leaders Encounters Resistance"]


Anonymous said...

Simply timely. Just yesterday we received a mailer requesting a donation to this cause. WTF was the twist on this one? as I read, then ripped to shreds. Juice

Anonymous said...

I notice there is no room for public comment on the site. Typical, and no different from the ideological pose of the ACLU itself. The ACLU and such organizations as Amnesty International killed themselves when they leaped wholeheartedly into current leftist ideology. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Yea fork um both rat bastards.

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