scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, September 21, 2006
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
How come I get a WalMart notice stating song license not available? Hmmm??? I know can here or see anything else.. JUice
9/21/06, 12:37 PM
Anonymous said...
His change of heart is unexplained??
Dang Liberals ARE heartless projecting their preduduces on everyone else. Ethen's change of heart for his niece is because of his love for his niece...
Rob in AK
The whole story was one of 20 plus year blood feud between Commanche & the Pioneers. Martin's mother's scalp is on Scar's coup stick.
It's a great movie, equal to or greater than True Grit-no Liberal's seem to love THAT film--all the bad guys die.
More from a Long Winded Rob in AK -
9/21/06, 12:48 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
F.U. Wal-mart , it's back to peer-to-peer trading for me. Try it now Juice. BTW, what is the best P2P program out there now?
9/21/06, 2:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Gold star Rodger. Great song, great movie. (It's the only Duke movie I ever liked, although it's a bit long and slow by today's standards.)
This is a sickness in our society today--not recognizing your own side in a conflict.
mary -
9/21/06, 2:40 PM
- Howard said...
Without a doubt a classic....
9/21/06, 4:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Try BitTorrent, Rodger.
Not the fastest or most comprehensive, but you won't infest your system with unnamed virii just by installing it.
http://www.bittorrent.com/ -
9/22/06, 1:11 AM
Anonymous said...
P2P: for the popular stuff, use bittorrent, for the less widespread stuff, use emule.
Emule has build-in search, while you need to get your torrents from a torrent site, say piratebay.org. -
9/22/06, 3:17 AM
Anonymous said...
Ignore the 2005 date, this is what you want:
http://www.shareaza.com/ -
9/22/06, 3:20 AM
Anonymous said...
I'm awake here in PST, so here I am in the aquarium. :) Yep, got to see and hear it this time. Great song select. The Duke. All American. From days gone by.
Thanks, Juice -
9/22/06, 6:45 AM
Anonymous said...
i have watched the Searchers some 30 plus times...
still one of the best all time... -
9/22/06, 1:19 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Got it, and it seems to work ...
Thanks. -
9/22/06, 2:23 PM