Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Buggy Whips
I'm certain others have thought of this, but maybe not.  A few weeks ago  democrats threatened to revoke ABC's broadcast license if they aired Path to 9-11 (Can you hear those boot heels hitting ground?).  That's a real club, because without those air rights, they're out of business.  Soon, Disney can tell HarryReid to pound sand. How much is ESPN worth?  Discovery Channel? Direct TV Satellite?  Maybe nothing, save for goodwill, and trademarks. Here's why.

If I wanted to, I could begin a television channel right now, on the Internet. I can think of content that would cost relatively nothing to produce, but draw millions, worldwide (my cooking show... What?) I'd have sponsors, and commercial breaks. See where this is going? I know you do. What an exciting time to be 20. Sigh.>


Anonymous said...

Roger if we can survive the islamotards and the democraps the young folks are going to see an amazing world.

Anonymous said...

That's a great point about being 20 Rog. I love what I do and can't imagine anything else but I remember my 20s and how the whole world was in front of me. Sigh. Man this aging shit has it's bad side. And WTF is up with me and urging my daughter for a grandkid? 55 this Friday-Poop. OTOH, the alternative, as they say...

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