Monday, October 23, 2006

Does CNN want America to win

"Does CNN want America to win this thing?"


Anonymous said...

When can we start shooting back at CNN? Just returning hostile fire...

Anonymous said...

Kick there asses out of inbeds hell there pulling for the terrorist anyway.The troops know that they are not stupid. I would not want to be a CNN reporter.

Anonymous said...

A "Bodies for Barter" or "IED Shields" policy comes to mind, with CNN execs and reporters as the exchange or barrier medium. Airing that video was beyond the pale and somebody is guilty of sedition or treason here.
Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Rodger the Real King of France said...

If enough people feel the same way, they'll go away. At some point we have to let the bad guys know what this country stands for, or we stand for nothing. It looks like that will require extralegal action. The border militia movement is a good model. The New York Times and CNN have declared open war on our elected government, and ought pay the price for it. I'm speaking of egged cars, of course. :)

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