scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, October 05, 2006
The Foley Conspiracy
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Michelle Malkin refused to link to the outting blogger because she thought it tastless and unfair to divulge the page's identity.
Sooorrrrry...I am glad you, Rodger, did link. This "kid" was a legal adult at the time of this "relationship".
No. I don't support Foley.
Yes. I do support which "Republican" the Demodrastic Party is trying to take down for breathing the same air space as their collegue. So. Sorry. But. Unfortunately, election years have become wars. And I don't want the Libs to be the ones standing when the tally's complete. Juice -
10/5/06, 10:43 AM
Anonymous said...
Soros, DNC, ABC...
well said...
must make history this NOV., and get the vote out... -
10/5/06, 12:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Ya know,it doesn't matter what Foley would do as a "civilian" but I believe that being a politician,among some other vocations requires one to be a couple of notches above the ordinary population.I also believe that many of them are not and as I recall a variety of things I've heard about over the years in and around the halls of government,I wonder in the first place,why any parent would let their child take a position as a Page. Possible connections for career advancement? Are there parents who see this and approve? I think Foley felt safe in pursuing his endeavors.I take these kids to be very bright and I also take them to be very ambitious...No.I am NOT trying to lighten Foley's burden.To hell with him.But,these boys and girls after all,aren't tots.We can believe they are neither stupid nor ignorant...The main thing,of course, behind all this is the upcoming election....I am NOT sorry Foley took the fall but I can see the big picture.....
10/5/06, 3:27 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
No it wasn't really fake. The "kid" today admitted he enticed Foley into engaging in that lurid IM messaging so he and friends could have a good laugh. However, the IM's fell into the hands of a ratbastarddonkmofkrs who used them to set Foley up. ABC NEWS knew from the get-go that the guy was no minor, but kept it quiet. Foley had every reason to be embarrased, and you can bet that Hastert told him to get out! But how many of you would like your private correspondence published? Democrats are the sleaziest people on Earth, utter filth. It's why they will never again enjoy positions of power.
10/5/06, 9:17 PM
Anonymous said...
Roger is right. I do not care if he was 18 Foley needed to go and if he violated the law should be prosecuted. But Foley is responsible not Hastert or not Dick Cheney. There were just as many democrappers that heard the rumors as well.If others are ingaging in the same conduct they should be outed democrapper are Republicans.You can bet there are a lot more democrapper goober smoochers than Republican.
The democrat party is beyond rehabilitating. They have shed themself of all common decency and did so several years ago. The country will be a lot better off when the crappers go the way of the whigs and is replaced with a party that really cares about this nation.I truly mean it when I say I would not want a kid of mine to associate with democrats and if I know someone is a democrat I will not do business with them period.I found out that a doctor that was examining my eye was a democrat when he made the comment to me that someone was a Bushie. I asked what a Bushie was and he explained it was someone dumb enough to vote for Bush. The examination stopped right then and I went to the Baptist eye Institute which is the biggest and best in Tennessee. I am not Baptist but at least they had common sense there. But most doctors I have come in contact with Medical doctors are Republican. I just got a bad draw that time. -
10/6/06, 5:01 AM