scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, October 16, 2006
Jummy & Masturbation
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Why should that surprise anyone? He's been a jack-off all his life.
Len-KC -
10/16/06, 11:24 PM
Anonymous said...
I still say they should have named a garbage scow the one that runs around NY city collecting there garbage and transports it to Jersey to be buried after this jerk that has done so much harm to this nation. Naming an attack sub after this clown is a disgrace.
10/17/06, 7:15 AM
Anonymous said...
Maybe a little jacking off would have benefited Bush! He may not even have got us into this expensive, life wasting and totally unnecessary Iraq war if he had been playing with his weenie instead of listening to "God" telling him to go to war at 4 am. Of course we all know his main problem is that he's just trying to prove he has a bigger weenie than his daddy anyway! Maybe he thought it was true when his mama told him that playing with his weenie would shrink it!
Nah...instead let's worry about Carter playing with his dick back at the Naval Academy 60 years ago and that sensible rule that prohibited it! Anything to take our minds off all the non masturbating boobs in the current administration! God bless Rush and Ann Coulter! -
10/17/06, 10:44 AM
Anonymous said...
Hey Jarvis, thanks for stopping by. It is always so refreshing to have the coherent and intelligent liberal side of things pointed out to us rubes.
Hey maybe if you've been good boy this year, Santa will leave you a sense of humor under your tree.
In the meantime, the meds, don't foget them.
MM -
10/17/06, 12:06 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Jarvis probably means well. Liberal's make good nurses, teachers (if they avoid the social sciences), entertainers, cleks,etc., but lack the genetic makeup required to understand self defense, or economics. They're sort of like the Amish, who depend on us to keep the barbarians from slitting their throats (although Amish pacifism is rooted in deep religious conviction, while liberals, uh ... are, un ... cautious when it comes to their own safety). Anyway, we do it because it's the Christian thing to do. I always feel better when I've helped somebody. Beer's on me.
10/17/06, 4:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Gee Jarvis, and maybe if Bush hadn't been getting his trailer hitch de-chromed by chubby interns in a Oval office closet his wife wouldn't have had to bomb some Bosnia.
No, wait that was somebody else...
Yes, it's refreshing to see a leftist who can think for himself rather than spouting the DNC mantra dujour. -
10/17/06, 5:27 PM
Anonymous said...
omg, Rodger, you are the coolest, EVER! MM was polite w/o being tooooo snarky. But your response deserves a trophy! And, as usual, you're based in truthful fact. :D Juice
10/17/06, 8:39 PM