scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, October 14, 2006
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
You insensitive bastard. Dont you know that women, minorities, muslims, etc etc etc are soft helpless creatures that cant function withour the help and protection of the Federal government?
I had more but I have to stop and clean the monitor and keyboard now.
Tim -
10/14/06, 11:24 PM
- Dr.Hardcrab said...
I guess maybe he was inferring that Mexicans steal wallets or something.
How stupid! I guess announcers are going to have to be put on a 1 minute time delay and have their lawyers go over every word.
Didn't realize Fox has become such a nuch od pussies....
>>> -
10/15/06, 8:19 AM
Anonymous said...
Yeah I didn't get it either-- must be too insensitive or nuanced for me.
You raise an interesting point- do you think we could get California to secede if we came up with a really insensitive slur against them? That might be an easy way to get rid of them instead of wasting a bomb.
Won't they be surprised when they throw a tantrum and leave and no one cares??
OK- everyone - let's get to work- I bet if we put our heads together they can be gone by the end of the day!
10/15/06, 10:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Hey, TVF! Can yous guys wait until next summer when my husband and I migrate east? Afterall, we actually live in a red county. ;) Juice
10/15/06, 10:55 AM
Anonymous said...
How about this-- we'll just make it so that only blue counties secede? They are the ones no on wants anyway :)
Where are you planning to migrate to?
10/15/06, 11:23 AM
Anonymous said...
How is this California's fault? Fox isn't based there, and the game was played in Detroit.
We've got troubles enough here, we don't need any gratuitous bashing, the deserved bashing is plenty, thank you. -
10/15/06, 1:18 PM
Anonymous said...
HA! That would be LA and SF that control most of our state. Currently, we're considering TX, San Antonio or Austin and FL, St. Augustine. Basically, seeking lower property taxes and no state income taxation. Whacha know about them places, TFV??? Juice
10/15/06, 1:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Sorry, the extent of my knowledge is some co-workers have traveled to Austin on business trips and really liked it! I think we visited St. Augustine when I was in high school on a family vacation.
You might look at Brunswick county NC between Wilmington NC and Myrtle Beach SC. Property there is still pretty cheap and the climate is nice. We plan to retire there in 2-5 years. Good Luck!
10/15/06, 3:28 PM
Anonymous said...
"For every ten jokes --- Thou hast got a hundred enemies." Laurence Sterne, "Tristram Shandy," Chapter XII.
10/15/06, 3:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Juice - I've friends that live in Austin that we visit regularly. UT is there so there's some college partying going on down on 6th Street and the surrounding area (http://www.6street.com/). There's a very active arts scene. Another friend had a picture framing and gallery there. Lots of live music and festivals. Gorgeous area with quick access to Lake Travis (http://www.laketravis.com/). Good tech center (see Dell, etc). Local govt tends to be a bit liberal. We call it San Fran, TX to tease. Unofficial motto is "Keep Austin Weird" (http://www.keepaustinweird.com/). Only knowledge of San Antonio is Cisneros and the River Walk, sorry.
Keith in Kingwood -
10/15/06, 4:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey, TFV, Appreciate the feed back! We were in St. Augustine in 2005 and, in retrospect, it sort of reminded us of Monterey, CA...a place we LOVE to visit. We would live in Monterey if we had a minimum 1mil to purchase a moderate home. :) TRUE!
10/15/06, 9:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Keith in Kingwood,
Yeah, we're aware that Austin is the "Blue City" (LIBeral TX) but in photos it really reminds us of Sacramento and we love that town. Sacramento is a great mix of blue and red politics, arts, music, recreation, education, restaurants, medicine, etc.. and Austin would be a likely alternative. Thanks for your thoughtful info.
Juice...a Cali Native -
10/15/06, 9:29 PM
Anonymous said...
I have lived in NE Florida for 30+ years. Great people, weather, and beaches. Tons to see and do. VERY affordable housing. The JAGUARS. And unlike a quake, we always know when a hurricane is comming. If you would like more info, Rodger has my email.
Tim -
10/15/06, 9:34 PM
Anonymous said...
Holy Schamoly Tim,
I was trying to log-in to thank Rodger for the open comments that are assisting me, although not on topic w/his post. Alas...your comment appeared before my thanks to the Host.
Thanks for your imput regarding NE FL. Each time we visit FL we just want to stay there, so maybe it's a great alternative to CA. And YES! You totally spoke my words regarding hurricanes and earthquakes. In Cali, people ask us "do you like hurricanes?" But we answer, "At least you have advance notice to prepare yourselves w/a hurricane. With earthquakes, no notice". I hate quakes. They truly leave you feeling helpless.
We'll be in FL over the Christmas holiday. In the meantime...Thanks Tim.
Juice -
10/15/06, 9:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Rodger, Thanks. You have great people here. Juice
10/15/06, 10:02 PM
- El Jefe said...
I'm FROM the River City (aka Sac-town, home of the Queens, etc). It was ONCE a nice mix of Red and Blue. That was in the late '70's/early 80's. My dad used to come home from work whistling tunes and a smile on his face. Once the Moon Unit got elected (Linda Ronstadt's bitch) those tunes never again pursed his lips. As much as I love my hometown I'll never again live there as it turned into Hell-A north.
I was home last weekend to visit family and friends. It's still a great 'place' but you shoulda seen the stares I got for wearing my Reagan shirt. -
10/15/06, 10:10 PM