scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Michael J. Fox is full of crap
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
The dems still are really going to have to put on their thinking caps to go lower than showing terrorist sniper videos. That was truly the most dispicable thing I've ever seen from the MSM.
Fox-yawn- another lying liberal? Sheesh call 60 Minutes.
Ann Coulter idenified how dems drag these victims out and than they're off limits to criticism when the Jersey girls were paraded out to harangue President Bush. Remember the firestorm when Ann had the audacity to bitchslap them.
Well Rush just blew right past that paradigm several days ago. Both of these brave souls know the MSM will fire an endless stream of arrows; heartless, you haven't been there so..., cold, evil, partisan(as if), what-ev-er.
MM -
10/25/06, 9:28 AM
Anonymous said...
Ah they're so predictable. With apologies to Chairman Bill, "It's not that we are good, and they are evil. It's that we seek to do good, and they seek to do evil." The left is committed to deceit. They will always choose having an "issue" over producing a solution.
Casca -
10/25/06, 9:46 AM
- Just Another Old Geezer said...
Have you seen the latest? According to McKaskill, Jim Talent killed Superman. How low can this bitch go?
10/25/06, 10:10 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I posted it above, thanks.
10/25/06, 11:31 AM
- Just Another Old Geezer said...
Speaking of Mikey, the little bastard did it again. This time for for Ben Cardin in Maryland. Says Cardin will vote for stem cell research. Uh oh, Steele says Cardin voted against it. See it at Hot Air.
10/25/06, 11:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Suprise democrappers lie? I am schocked. I would be more schocked if I ever seen one tell the truth. I might even shake like Fox if I caught one telling the truth.
10/26/06, 6:37 AM
- Howard said...
I don't know what percentage of the electorate feel as I do about parading cripples before the public in order to get money, votes, or pussy, but I resent the effort to manipulate me for private purposes. This settles it for me, I'm voting for the one with the biggest tits.
10/26/06, 11:30 AM