scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, October 05, 2006
School Fear
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
I'll say this for the high school directly across the street from me and that is there are always 2 or 3 armed, Golden police at the entrance and patroling the grounds. Plus a couple big burly school security guys too. Sad but a sign of the times.
I went to a Catholic high school and on our days off I used to go into the public high school to goof on my friends
MM -
10/5/06, 10:19 AM
Anonymous said...
We could stop prescribing psychotropic drugs to everyone who isn't "happy".
Most of this type of behavior started after it became popular to prescribe these drugs.
We won't even start the discussion about corporal punishment being banned in schools. Total lack of discipline has ensued. Liberal twits.
wmprof -
10/5/06, 10:24 AM
- azlibertarian said...
My suggestion for quite some time has been to train and arm willing teachers, adminstrators and staff.
One of the most surprising articles I've ever read came after Columbine. SWAT teams (or at least the Scottsdale, AZ SWAT team) considers a school-hostage scenario to be successfully concluded if they can keep the shooter from moving around the school and have him locked into just one room. In other words, thirty or so dead kids would be the best that they can hope for.
I'm not knocking SWAT guys at all here. As we saw in Bailey, a guy barricaded in a school room is extremely difficult to extract before he can do the harm he intends.
But having some teachers being armed--like some pilots are armed--seems to me to be a cost-effective deterrent to these school murders. -
10/5/06, 11:46 AM
- Peter said...
I got out of high school in 1964. I'm a country boy and was on the school rifle team. Nobody shot little girls.
The Principal's office had a large closet that, during the season, was filled with rifles, shotguns or fish poles. We'd ride the bus to school and hunt (or fish) our way home. Game was an important part of our diets. Nobody shot little girls.
The most routine thing in the world was to see a boy, or couple of boys, on bicycles or broke down old horses with a .22 or single shot shotgun and a dog runnin' alongside. And nobody shot little girls.
I do not know what all has changed or why. I do know that my sons and daughter all learned to shoot and lived among guns their whole lives. They, too, have not shot any little girls. -
10/5/06, 12:57 PM
Anonymous said...
A friend of mine wrote this letter to the local fishwrap:
"The same day as the shootings in the Amish school, I was waiting in the parking lot of a large store. A guard from an armored car was making a pickup of what was, from the apparent weight, probably a sack of coins.
I noticed he was armed.
It struck me that the value of a thing may be deduced from the degree to which that thing is guarded.
We go to great lengths to be sure our children are unguarded while in school. The very idea of armed guards in schools is troublesome for us, and the suggestion that at least some teachers should be trained and armed is greeted with horror and derision. Even parents licensed to carry concealed weapons are restricted to staying in the parking lot when picking up or dropping off their own children.
But for a bag of pennies? We send someone with a gun. Maybe two." -
10/5/06, 8:31 PM
Anonymous said...
What has changed was alluded to by Roger. It is a combination of things that has changed.It is caused by devaluing human life period. We have people telling our kids on a regular basis that the life of a rat is as valuable as a human or the life Of some bird so we banned DDT to save bird eggs and watched millions of people die from malaria over a falsehood. We have movie stars and politicians saying that dolphins and whales are more important than human life. You add that to movies that depict drug use as glamorous and that killing other people for personal gain or drugs is a condition not evil and video games doing the same thing. Then add to that American women that kill there own unborn babies around 2 million a year and to a kid in there formative years life has lile value. If we put the stamp of approval on the killing of an innocent baby by an invented law gleaned from the right to privacy. Hell why not kill a living child or person?
We have allowed this to be brought upon us by the feel good generation and now we are feeling the pain.
Even a group like the Amish that would never consider these actions them self and have lived apart have now suffered the consequences of an American society that has devalued human life. If you can kill a baby in the womb you can kill anythng. -
10/6/06, 4:34 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
A+ for that John - well said!
10/6/06, 10:26 AM