![]() Background: Ben Cardin is the 20 year Democrat congressman from MD who is running against Lt. Gov Michael Steele - holding his first elected office. They both want the retiring Paul Sarbane's Senate seat. Cardin has been running ads that almost exclusively show Steele with Bush. That's pretty much it. Did you know that Micheal Steel shook hands with President Bush? Woooooo. Now that some polls show Steele ahead in the race, Cardin unleashed his big guns - a spot that accused Steele of "taking special interest money. Woooooo" L'nMAO here Boss. With that in mind, watch the video. |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Steele ad
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Heard Steele being interviewed today on the radio. The guy has his shit together.
10/22/06, 8:46 PM
Anonymous said...
shook his hands?
disgusting... -
10/22/06, 9:45 PM
Anonymous said...
The thing to remember, though, is that Maryland is the state I used to live in where Connie Morella lost against an ad campaign which went (well, almost) exactly like this:
"Connie Morella is a good woman, and has done everything we Democrats have ever wanted her to do. But she's a Republican, and therefore must be sent into the bottom of the worst hell that ever existed. Vote for (bah, forgot the bastards name) -- he's a Democrat!"
David Tatum -
10/22/06, 10:07 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I was glad to see that RINO stinker lose.
10/22/06, 10:24 PM
Anonymous said...
Rodge, I wouldn't have minded her losing in most cases... but the simple fact that the ONLY thing her opponent ran on was that she was a 'Republican' (said in a way that made it sound as if that was a worse crime then baby-raping) really irked me. It's largely the reason why I left the state when it came time to move -- that I, as a Republican, would be 'stained' with some sort of indignity for the sheer fact that I didn't want to ally myself with the hippies and traitors... (And Maryland immediately elected a Republican governor... hm. Maybe I should have just picked another part of the state...)
10/23/06, 12:14 AM
- Dr.Hardcrab said...
My part of the state votes heavily Republican. I believe it has to do with the influx of military here and all of the civilian jobs it brings. Sure, we vote for some Dems that represent us well, but just look at the numbers after every election. I bet Cardin will get less than 30% of the vote.....
>>> -
10/23/06, 5:52 AM
Anonymous said...
That is an ass kicking ad. Steele I believe will win it. Buy I am with Roge I will never vote for a RINO. I get visions of McCain or Snow. It's enough to turn a mans stomach.
10/23/06, 6:04 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
To anon -
If you have a low tolerance for liberal BS, Montgomery County is the last place to live. -
10/23/06, 10:08 AM
- Howard said...
We in CA have a Dem putz using the same type of ad campaign: nothing but pictures of Arnold with Bush. The guy is 20 points behind. I guess not even liberals can endorse stupidity like that.
10/23/06, 2:46 PM