Thursday, October 19, 2006

Steele-Cardin dead heat

Harry Reid - call your office
Toss-Up For Open MD US Senate Seat: In an election for U.S. Senator in Maryland today, 10/18/06, Republican Michael Steele and Democrat Ben Cardin tie, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for WMAR-TV Baltimore and WUSA-TV Washington DC. 20 days to the 11/7/06 election, it's Steele 46%, Cardin 46%. Since an identical SurveyUSA poll released 4 weeks ago, on 9/20/06, the Democrat Cardin has lost 1 point, the Republican Steele has lost 2. 53% of whites vote for Republican Steele, the same percentage who vote for the Republican Bob Ehrlich in the MD Governor's race. But: Steele, who is black, gets 25% of the black vote, approximately twice the black support that Ehrlich gets. There is no movement among voters age 35 to 49. But, the lead has changed hands among voters 50 to 64, from Cardin up 12 to now Steele up 3.


Jake said...

25% of the black vote for a Republican is a significant achievement. Maybe blacks are beginning to realize how the Democrats have totally screwed them over the last 180 years.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Maryland Democrats are terrified, and that is no exaggeration. People working under Chuck Schumer's direction gained (illegally) access to Steele's credit records for possible use against him. Without their traditional 95% + of the black vote, Democrats verge on losing their lock on this state.

Anonymous said...



that would be an amazing victory.

El Jefe said...

Although I don't agree with him entirely, I'll be voting for Mr. Steele next month.
One thing that I've noticed lately is that virtually no one in the MSM (including Fox) refer to blacks as blacks. It's only African-Americans (Mr. Steele refers to himself as such). Teddy Roosevelt addressed this nearly a hundred years ago when he said, "There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americans." I just got back from my birthplace (Kalifornistan) and it's so bad that they now refer to whites as "Non-Latino Americans".
'Scuse me while I go break something...

Dr.Hardcrab said...


The Dems are running so scared that they had Slick Willy stumping for Cardin and O'Malley (candidate for Gubner). I heard he was heading over to Virginny to "do" Jim Webb.

In either case, I'l be so damn glad when the election is over with. I don't watch that much television, but every time I turn it on.......SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH!!!


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