scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, November 17, 2006
Glenn Beck presents Exposed
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
It's gonna be an uphill battle for generations....We're up against a huge,ignorant population,being brain washed to hate Jews and Christians (and don't forget Hindus and others) every day,who seem to crave their own deaths more than they love life.Backward,manipulated and cut off from truth in many cases and believing that it is their right to force all the world to conform to their religion and values.I know there are some Muslims,modern in their outlook,members of the 21st century,who have a more civilized mentality.They are apitiful minority.Therefore I feel,as much as I abhor the idea, that total war is the only resolution.Iran,and their brothers under the skin,North Korea,have to be eliminated.We can drag it out as long as possible,hoping for some miracle,but in the end,the course seems preordained.This,after all,isn't the cold war.I think the communists at least wanted to live and have their families survive.
11/17/06, 3:25 PM
Anonymous said...
After Rush had Glen Beck on his show we tivo'd the program. Now, call me tainted, but the overwhelming impression I got was,
"Why now, AFTER, the election did CNN Headline News choose to broadcast something so *important*? And, WHY does the media continue to bury and hide this truth from American citizens on a low ratings cable channel? Do they want us to be bombed and beheaded out of existance?"
Those questions throughout that program just managed to get me all "drunken sailored mouthed". WTMFF? was about all came away with.
Call me tainted, Juice -
11/17/06, 5:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks. I can't understand how anyone could watch that and still believe that terrorism should be treated as a law enforcement matter and terrorists should be treated like shoplifters.
I'd like to tie Nancy Pelosi to a chair and make her watch it. -
11/17/06, 10:11 PM
Anonymous said...
It is sad to say but the only recourse is to nuke the place and start over. The longger we put it off the worse it will be. Israel will be forced to nuke Iran because of the radical Mullahs and the insane leader they have. If they wait till they have the nuke it will be to late for Israel.
11/18/06, 6:36 AM
Anonymous said...
Roger, is there anyway to download this video? I refuse to watch the commie news network for any reason so I passed it up thinking it would be a hit piece on the U.S. anyway.
I intend on burning it to DVD and passing it around. -
11/18/06, 9:21 AM
Anonymous said...
Thanks for the post, Rodge. Excellent and informative. It simply amazes me that America sleeps through the war that is going on at its doorstep. I am afraid that by the time the people as a whole wake, it will be too late. In this nuclear age, now more than ever, he who hesitates is lost.
11/18/06, 9:49 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
How do you burn Flash content to DVD ? I want to do that too.
11/18/06, 9:58 AM
Anonymous said...
The only way I have done it is to convert it to mepg, but... when played on a the TV it ends up too small to see so it has to be viewed on a computer.
But I found an app named FlashonTV which is supposed to make the disk viewable on regular TV sets, but you need the file instead of capturing it off the web, for some reason..I think.
Anyway, here is a links to the app and tutorial, not complicated though.
Price is around $100.00 U.S.
App: http://www.flash-on-tv.com/flashontv/flash-tv-download.php
Tut: http://www.flashadvisor.com/forum/archive/o_t/t_956/view_next/index.html -
11/18/06, 10:43 AM
Anonymous said...
While it's good to have Beck's piece on TV, it was kind of an "Obsession" lite.
Now there just can't be all martyrs in Iran. The fact that there are so many "leaders" willing to send others off to blow themselves up speaks for some what of a rational mind. Somewhat.
Now you have to wonder what one of these rational minds thinks when they follow through on the Iranians having nuclear weapons. If one of these weapons is ever used, either by Iran or a proxy, the outcry for massive retaliation will be overwhelming.
And let's say that several western cities were destroyed at once, does anyone doubt that it would be the end of Islam?
Of course now would be the last of a narrowing window to avoid that calculation. There is no need to occupy Iran. Destroy their power grid, whatever nuke facilities we can reach and blockade their ports. We might need some troops on the ground there for verification but from the onset, make it clear to the Iranians they'll have to sort it out. I mean what is the sense of having this incredible military if we're not going to defend our selves.
Not much time left, too bad we'll dither around for the next 2 years. I can't believe W will kick this can down the road. -
11/18/06, 11:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Many thanks Muddley, looks like the file.
Anon, you seem to be forgetting, perhaps you didn't know, that the Mohammedans want war. They believe the 12th imam will not show up unless they start a war with every non-muslim country. Thus, they are extremely happy to contribute to the cause by blowing themselves up.
As a reference, the 12th imam is the Mohammedans equivalent of the coming of the Messiah which the Jews look to come and the Return of the Messiah as Christians believe. This 12th imam is what the Christians know as the anti-christ. -
11/18/06, 1:03 PM
Anonymous said...
Make no mistakeIf Iran gets a nuke they will use it on Israel and the leadership would not hesitate to pass it off to a terror group that would plant one in the US. It is a sad situation the majority of younger Irainians love the USA and want better relations they like things that are American. But the insane leadership that controls the military and they take most of there military people from the age of 9 years and train them in the religious dogma of the Assaholla Cockamamy. They have thousands that are taught to die. It is a sad situation and I fear nukes will be the only answer.
11/18/06, 7:01 PM
Anonymous said...
The huge ignorant population we have to deal with is sadly not limited to those over there.
http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/4/4/121115.shtml -
11/18/06, 7:32 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree with that last comment because anyone that does not believe that the mullahs in Iran will not use there nukes on Israel is nuts. That is if Israel gives them the chance.
11/18/06, 11:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Free way to download most internet videos to a Flash file:
Free way to convert Flash or any other videos to nearly any other format:
(a VERY VERY HANDY tool to keep around)
www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html -
11/19/06, 10:37 PM