scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, November 03, 2006
The Haughty Friedman
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Tom Brokaw condescendingly remarked several years ago'"Why George Bush hasn't even sat down with Tom Friedman!"
To which I thought, you effing arrogant asswipe. These elite cheesedicks just are never gonna get it. Never. The instances of them demeaining my values and lifestyle are countless. It's why the asshat for the Times can call what Kerry said, "an aside" and truly believe it.
MM -
11/3/06, 10:58 AM
Anonymous said...
I find liberals constant harping about the mess this country is in kind of tiring. Its the same as screeming about the division that not agreeing with them has created. Its only a division because they lost and they wont shut up til they get their way. F*ck 'em.
Tim -
11/3/06, 12:19 PM
Anonymous said...
outstanding MR. S !
rock on... -
11/3/06, 2:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Friedman's biography should be entitled "To Hell in a Handbasket." Six or seven years ago, Tom Friedman was probably the best commentator extant on a specific area: The Israeli - Palestinian imbroglio. Since then, like Alec Baldwin, Barbara Streisand, and all THAT crowd, he has become an Expert on Everything and Giver of Law to us unwashed masses- in short, a complete idiot.
11/3/06, 2:42 PM
Anonymous said...
The Nytimes is asking today...questions for Tom Friedman.
Here's my question-- think they'll publish it??
Dear Tom: Given that you supported the war in Iraq, and if not downright pushed for it you certainly "nudged" for it, and bearing in mind that you as well as many Washington folks were for it more as a remaking of the mid-east rather than a fending off of any immediate threat from Suddam, and that yes indeed the administration has made many big mistakes which we, the royal "we," all would have tried and in our high-minded opinions, dear I say, probably could have actually avoided during our planning and executing of the invasion's aftermath, and realizing that the United States (as dear Colin said) "owns it" even though you have at times written that basically the Iraqis need to get their act together and do their part (making the point I suppose that it's their fault ultimately if things fall apart(?)), do you Tom Friedman feel in any way that you made a miscalculation, or even, yes, a mistake, or that you might possibly because of your influence, bear any, if only an infinitesimal, teeny-weeny, wee moiety of responsibility- or do you like many a Mets fan.......still believe? -
11/3/06, 4:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Why is it Friedman sounds like a whining spoiled child.Rove did nothing with Kerry's words it was the Blogs that put it out for the public to see when he and his vaunted co journo's were going to hide it. The only way Bush ever had a chance to unite the crappers with those people that care about this country was for him to agree to tax increases, killing babies up until they are born, trying to appease the true monsters in this world that would see us destroyed like Chamberlian and help homosexuals make a joke out of marriage. Friedman and his acolytes are like a rotting cancer on the flesh of this nation who will only be happy when they see us humbled before the world on our knees because he is simply another useful idiot who if it were left to him would see this nation socialized like France or Cuba.
11/4/06, 6:18 AM