Monday, November 13, 2006

Kevin Barrett

Sanction - with extreme prejudice
Freshman Jesse Moya disagreed, saying Barrett had been "very objective."

Moya, who said his uncle died in the World Trade Center attacks, said he had entered the course believing the attacks were the work of Islamic terrorists. He now believes otherwise.

"It seems like a more logical explanation that it was the U.S. government," he said."Lecturer says taxes go to kill U.S. troops"

If the University of Wisconsin insists on allowing Prof. Barrett to preach this filth, so be it.  But I demand that all federal monies  - as in tax dollars - tendered to the school be stopped.  Also, if President Bush was capable of masterminding the 9/11 attacks, please, please Mr. President -  go that extra step and take Barrett out. I'm not kidding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's turn the chickenhawk argument to a different topic, for a bit:

From now on, anyone who works for the government or is being paid with taxpayer's money can no longer vote on any tax levy. Leave that up to those who actually PAY the taxes.

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