scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Maryland Morons
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
Like I commented below, it's all about good vs evil. And I did attempt to face -some- coverage yesterday. Just enough to feel my stomach sink, but not enough to explode my brain. The real clincher for me yesterday? Bush's speech. 'Couldn't get through it once he "apologized" for being part of the Republican failure. And why in hell dump Rumsfeld the after elections????? After that, I went back under the blakets to hide from monsters.
And if we're about to be allowed a chance to curse like drunken sailors, may I submit to you that stupid mutherfucking Californians passed nearly every bond, but, no new taxes. WTF? AND. They turned down that parental notice be given for girls, 12-13yrs, to be taken for abortions! WTF? Sum that one up with embryonic stem cell research and see how short the addition is.
Every DonkeyKong fucking ad for ANY political office in CA, included the REPEATED mention of "he's against stem cell research", as if all oxygen would leave the planet without it, and every Republican candidate wanted all of us to die if they weren't in favor it. MFCSSOB'S........ nope. still don't feel better. Juice (fermenting) -
11/9/06, 11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
My poor daughter lives in Maryland and she had to duct tape her head on Tuesday.
And Colorado in the past 4 or 5 years has gone from a solid red state to a blue state, hardly stopping for a breath as a purple. Now WTF happened here? The state government is solidly controlled by the rat bastards and they killed TABOR last year. Cripes.
I give. I'm moving to NC and I'm just gonna sail off.
MM -
11/9/06, 2:10 PM
Anonymous said...
MM - I may be joining you in NC--I checked yesterday and they still have 2 Republican senators. I still can't believe fellow Virginians were so damn stupid.
Rodger just say the word and we'll all meet at the barn.
11/9/06, 4:28 PM
- Dr.Hardcrab said...
If you are going to stay in Maryland, you ought to move down here to "Gawd's Country". We vote overwhelmingly the CORRECT way (check the stats). Sure, we vote for a few of the Donks that take care of us (Steny Hoyer), but we had hoped we had enough pull to get the right people in office. As long as they keep "propogating" in PG and Balmore county, we can never win.
Been here almost my entire life, but I have a feeling within 5 years, I WILL be in the Carolinas....
>>> -
11/9/06, 6:20 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Teresa, those turds in Northern Virgina are not Virginians. They are self serving liberal pukes, almost all of whom depend on ''big gummint'' for thrir paychecks. They are nothing like the folk you live with.
11/9/06, 6:24 PM
Anonymous said...
At least my county carried Allen by one of the highest percentages in the state-- nearly 70% so I don't have to be around too many idiots.
11/9/06, 6:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Hoyer keeps PAX NAS in business- maybe he'll whack Nancy with the uglier stick and be considered as the less repugnant alternative ... but the ONLY alternative on the ballot was a f'ing GREEN !
How sorry is that. -
11/9/06, 7:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Skip NC and come to Georgia. We actually elected MORE Republicans than we had before the election. Only two Democrats left in state office and they have been there for decades.
I'm in Newt's old district and the Dem's don't even run for office anymore. -
11/9/06, 8:32 PM